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{One-Shot} - His

"This looks so much like you," she said to Noah, pressing her body against his.

"My girl is talented," Noah said.

My heart stopped beating.

Anna's heart stopped beating.

Everyone's heart stopped beating. The buzzing of a solitary gnat would have sounded obscene in the stillness.

"Bullshit," Anna whispered finally, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. She hadn't moved an inch.

Noah shrugged. "I'm a vain bastard, and Mara indulges me." After a pause, he added, "I'm just glad you didn't get your greedy little claws on the other sketchbook. That would have been embarrassing." His lips curved into a sly smile as he slid from the picnic table he'd been sitting on. "Now get the fuck off me," he said calmly to a dumbfounded, speechless Anna as he pushed past her, plucking the sketchbook roughly from her hands.

And he walked over to me.

"Let's go," Noah ordered gently, once he was at my side. His body brushed the line of my shoulder and arm protectively. And then he held out his hand.

I wanted to take it and I wanted to spit in Anna's face and I wanted to kiss him and I wanted to knee Aiden Davis in the groin. Civilization won out, and I willed each individual nerve to respond to the signal I sent with my brain and placed my fingers in his. A current traveled from my fingertips through to the hollow where my stomach used to be.

And just like that, I was completely, utterly, and entirely,



My thoughts were on that day Anna tried humiliating me through my sketchbooks full of Noah Shaw, I swear I could've been past humiliation and gone straight to the wishes of the ground opening up and swallowing me whole.

That would've been the case if Noah himself didn't stepped in and lied for me.

And now, he was mine.

It took a whole lot of shit to finally be together but I couldn't be more alight. Something about him just kept me thriving like a live wire, he kept pessimist Mara from taking over. It's been a year since we've been completely together, fully each other's without worries of being separated by my ugly thoughts.

We were in New York, staying in a hotel for the meantime. We move around a lot simply because we can and Jamie is with us most of the time. He's not here either though, it's just me. He actually won't be with us for a few days since he's taken fancy to a girl on the floor below us and he's acting as if he owns a penthouse a few blocks from here.

That's what gives me the idea.

I set my book down on the nightstand and get up from my spot on the large king size bed. I stand beside it and stare at the temporary comfort deciding where I can put it to gain full light for my "idea".

I decide to push it a little more toward the middle of the room so I can set a stool where I stand. While I'm at it I move the nightstand so I won't get distracted by anything. Eventually everything but the bed is to the side of me and I'm very pleased with my work.

At the same time I've finished placing my sketchbook and coal pencils on the stool I'll be using, Noah arrives. I hear him come in through the front door and can picture him kicking off his shoes. A pleasant warmth runs through my veins because I know the minute he sees me he'll greet me with a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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