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{Hey guys. So here is the second chapter. I think it's pretty good. A little shorter than the last but don't worry. It's gonna get good.}


When Levy finally roused from her sleep, it was morning. It had to be early since it seemed like everything was asleep. Next to her bed, Jet and Droy sat in chairs snoring. The three of them had been best friends since she stepped into the Heartfilia household.

The girl smiled a little and poked Jet lightly. "Hey Jet." She whispered softly.

As soon as the male heard her voice, he sat up, waking Droy up too. Levy giggled a little looking at the two boys faces.

"Hi guys." She smiled before it suddenly dawned upon her what was going on. Jet and Droy had left for their own kingdoms a few months ago. They wouldn't be back unless....

Unless they were here to marry her.


Jet and Droy looked at her with a small smile and she just looked back. The silence was deafening before Levy finally spoke.

"You guys are here to ask me to marry you aren't you?"

The boys looked at her and slowly nodded. Smiles were imprinted on their faces as she looked at faces. Levy let out a soft sigh and looked down at her legs in the bed.

"Guys I know that Mr. Heartfilia told you I would choose but I can't." She looked up to meet Jet's eyes and then Droy's. "I don't wanna get married. I wanna go on adventures and be crazy." She said with a small smile.

The boys looked upset for a moment but nodded. Jet took Levy's hand and patted it gently. Levy met his eyes and was greeted with a gentle smile.

"Come on Levy. This doesn't change anything." He said smiling. "We are still a team. We are still team shadow gear."

Levy couldn't help but smile at the mention of their old childish name. When they were younger, the three of them played together and caught against "monsters" in the castle.

The boys patted her hand gently as they stood, giving Levy some time to herself.


As Levy laid there in bed she heard loud screams. The guards were yelling orders.

Levy looked up and pushed the blankets off her legs, forcing herself to get up. Her legs touched the ground and she wavered lightly.
'How long was I asleep.' She thought. 'It couldn't have been that long.'

She took a few moments to steady herself. After a moment, she took an unsure step forward and was pleased to be greater by a firm step and not the ground.

Carefully she walked to the balcony where she noticed the guards surrounding a man. His red eyes looked up and met her brown ones, sending a chill up her spine. She stood, watching the guards drag the male inside the gates.

Levy watched the male until he was pulled through the castle doors and she couldn't see him. She hadn't even realized how much time had passed until she heard Lucy's bright and cheerful voice.

"Levy. You okay? Droy and Jet said that you were awake." She chirped as she slowly opened the doorway. When she noticed that Levy was out of bed, her once smiling face darkened, changing to a small frown.

"I'm getting back in bed I swear." Levy said quickly holding up her hands in defense.

Lucy's eyes watched Levy as she carefully stumbled back to her bed.

"What were you thinking Levy?"

"I wasn't."


"Your right Lucy. It was very stupid of me to get out of bed. I promise I will stay in bed for the rest of the day, but...."

Lucy smiled at Levy's words until she heard the but.

"But what?" She asked crossing her arms.

"You gotta tell me who the guards brought into the castle in such a hurry."

Lucy bit her lip thinking before letting out an exasperated sigh.

"Alright fine." She muttered bitterly. "If I don't you will just go look for the answer yourself."

Levy smirked softly. No matter how much she argued with Lucy she could never that argue that she wasn't stubborn. She was and she knew it.

Lucy sighed and looked at Levy.

"He's a dark prince."

Levy's eyes widened. That explained his dark red eyes.

"What is he doing here?" She asked. Her voice soft and quiet.

Lucy's shoulders shrugged. "Don't know. Guards says he won't talk. Natsu and Grey think that he is around our age but he won't talk."

"So no one knows anything about him?"

"No.... No Levy. You promised to stay in bed."

Levy struggled to look at Lucy innocently. "Lu-chan what are you talking about?"

Her blonde headed friend looked at her with a knowing look.

"You know what Levy-chan. You are not going down there to try and talk to him?"

"Why not? He's in a cell right? He can't hurt me. I swear Lucy. One visit to the cell and if he doesn't talk I won't mention it again. I'll come right back to bed." Her innocent hazel eyes met her friends brown ones. There was loud sigh and Lucy looked down at the ground defeated.

"Alright Levy-chan. One visit. And if he doesn't talk then your coming right back here to bed."

Levy nodded happily swinging her legs back over the bed excited. It was about time she got some excitement and a prince of darkness would definitely give her the rush she wanted.


Braun and Brains. (Gale fanfic) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now