Chapter 8:: Slut-erin

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‼️A LOt OF SMUT ‼️

Jazmin Potter::
I wake up in a large bed. It's not my dorm, but it is a slytherins. I can tell by the excessive green everywhere. I look everywhere for clue on who's dorm I was in but found none. It was very clean and tidy though. And it was obviously a man's room, I could tell. I hear the shower running and I approach the door slowly. I have a shooting pain in my head but decide to ignore it as this was more important. Shit. Maybe my brother was right, I am a slut-erin. That's the only thing I vaguely remember before blacking out. I walk in and try to look through the glass at the man showering infront of me. It's too blurry I can't see a face clearly. The door opens and I stand in horror as Draco reaches out to get something. "MALFOY?!" I exclaim as I back up against the door, causing it to shut behind me. "Oh hey potter. Can you hand me the soap over there?" He points to to soap on the counter beside me. I gulp and grab it walking towards him. We're only a few inches away when he touches my hand to grab it. Fuck. "What uh, what happened last night?" I ask as I gulp at our closeness. The chokehold this man has on me. "Bloody nott tried to take advantage of you, I stopped him, and I took you here." He said nonchalantly. "And you- You didn't..?" I say my brows raised. He looks at me as if that's the most offensive thing ever. "No I would never take advantage of a girl while she's not conscious, that absurd." He says activated i implied he would. "What about noa? would you take advantage of me now?" I mumble under my breath, he heard it. "I'm sorry?" He says while snickering. "I said, Would you take advantage of me now? if i asked you too?" I replied, nervous of the answer about to come out of his mouth. He doesn't answr, instead just looks me up and down for a moment. "Is that what you want?" He asks, an eyebrow raised. "Would it be so crazy if i said yes?" I say gulping as he looks at me, his blue-grey eyes staring into my soul. "strip then get in then princess" He says before stepping back through the glass door and rinsing his hair.

I strip as he said, and get in the shower behind him. He quickly moved me infront of him so now our bare parts are rubbing against eachother. He looks at me in the eyes before shoving me under the water a bit harshly. Not complaining though. "What did you intend to accomplish by this, potter?" He whispers next to my ear. I gulp a the contact. "A thank you for last night." I say as i shiver at how close we are. He smirks "I don't need a thank you, That was common sense to do." He says as he grabs my waist. "Still, I don't want to imagine what would've happened if you hadn't come. Turns out your not so bad malfoy" I say, before giving him a chance to answer I go on my tippy toes to kiss him passionately. He kisses me back and we get into a full blown makeout right there. He grips my ass signaling me to jump. I did. He pinned me against the wall as we continue our makeout. As he kissed down my neck I moan a bit. "I hate you malfoy" I say as he shoves his size inside of me. "I hate you more potter." He says sternly, moving in and out of me at a godly speed. I moan louder as I look at his lips, he's smirking. He pulls out and places me down. "Why did you stop draco?" I asked sternly a bit annoyed. "Beg for it whore." He says towering over me. I gulp. "What-" He grabs my throat tightly. "You heard me slut, beg for it." I gulp again. "Please draco." He smirks. "Please what?" He says as he towers over me, sending shivers down my body. "Please fuck me draco" Jeez this dude has some serious kinks. He smirks and shoved himself in me again without warning. After a few more minutes of him thrusting in and out of me at a godlike speed, we both reach our climax and slowly release. He pulls out and reaches his fingers down there and pulls up my juices. He likes his fingers clean and smirks, turning off the water.

WHAT.THE.FUCK.JUST.HAPPENED. i think to myself. As we get out, he hands me a towel and I dry myself quickly. "Malfoy." I say sternly as he turns toward me, only a towel around his waist. God, If we were in a different universe I would be riding him right now I swear. He gives me a t shirt and boxers. "I'll give it back to you at some point." I say as I slide my bra and thong back on befor his t-shirt and boxers. "No need. Keep 'em." He said as he sighed and went back in the bathroom. I hurriedly rushed out of his room and to mine. I checked the clock and it was 9am. Fuck. I'm 2 hours late to school and i have a hangover. I'm not going to classes today. I made the final decision that I would read in the common room for most of today. I put on some sweats over draco's boxers and kept his shirt on as I grabbed my favorite muggle book and head down the stairs. I found my way to the black leather couch and began to think. 'Was I really a slut-erin' 'was harry right?' I kept second guessing myself. Harry's word stung. I had been called a slut before, mostly by kinky guys during sex, but by my brother? who had no sexual meaning behind it at all, meaning every word he said? It stuck with me.

A few hours go by, I almost finished with my book and I feel a warm body sit beside me. It's draco. "Malfoy." I mutter under my breath. "Potter." He mumbles as he scowls. We hate eachother, but we're both highly attractive. The sexual tension in the room is real, he feels it too. Enemies with benefits? crossed my mind. no. That's not possible. His hand landed on my thigh. I gasped at the sudden contact. "bloody hell ferret, what do you want?!" I scoff, trying to not enjoy it as his hand tightened on my thigh. "Potter, would you shut up for once mudblood." He says agrivated by my use of the word 'ferret'. "Make me malfoy." I say laughing as he stands up to leave, before gleaning near my ear. "I have pansy to get too, she's awaiting me in the library. But meet me there at 11pm no later." He whispered before exiting out of the common room. HIS NERVE.

As always, leave comments on chapter ideas !!
mari 💋

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