Chapter 7

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The night was warm but a cool breeze was blowing and the courtesan house was packed with merry customers enjoying the company of its pretty hostesses. A lot of them had opted for the terraces and the little pavilions spread around the pool that laid between the gate and the buildings. The laughter and music overflowed into the streets nearby and no one noticed when A-ran slipped into the residence and headed to the Madam's quarters. She didn't usually come there at night but since Jae-cheong had been gone, she'd heard all sorts of rumors about the war that had made her more and more worried about him. She needed a reliable informer. That's why, after desperately trying to find some sleep that night, she'd decided to go to see Madam Choe, who knew everything essential happening in the country, thanks to the officials who came to her place.

At first sight, Madam Choe guessed that the young woman was concerned about something but waited until some snacks and liquor had been brought for them before asking :

- What's going on ? Something is obviously bothering you ... Did your family find out you were coming here ?
- No. It's something else.
- So it's about a man.

A-ran smiled.

- You're always so perceptive. Yes, it's about a man I met last autumn. He's a soldier and has gone to the northern lands to join my father's troops. I know they're fighting the Jurgens right now and I'm worried. You know everything going on in Joseon, so please, tell me if you've heard anything about what's happening there.
- Well, I can tell you that there has only been a few encounters between the two armies so far and we suffered very little casualties. And now, we're in a statu quo situation. Of course, you must keep this information for yourself. But don't worry. General Heo is a brilliant strategist and he's not the type to launch reckless attacks or to sacrifice his soldiers unnecessarily. This young man is very lucky to serve under his command.
- You can trust me, I won't repeat any of this, not even to my mother. It's good news, or at least, it's not bad news and I feel better. Thank you very much.
- You're welcome. Now, tell me ... What is the name of your lover ?
- His name is Park Jae-cheong and he's not my lover. He wants to stay in the North when the war ends so I'll never see him again. Nevertheless, I can't help but worrying about him.

Madam Choe's lips curled into an amused smile but she said nothing. They drank and ate in silence for a while. Then, after a moment, A-ran asked :

- I've been wondering for a while now ... does my father come here when he's in town ?
- No, he doesn't but he used to, a long time ago. He was an unusual customer. He was very handsome and had this magnetic presence ... All the girls, including me, wanted to spend time with him. But he didn't care about any of us and just wanted someone who'd listen to him while he was talking about a special woman he was mad about. He was so frustrated by the situation that he was drinking a lot, while ranting with an enraged glare in his eyes that frightened us. We felt sorry for him but we were also afraid that someday, he'd do something extreme.
- I presume this woman wasn't my mother ...
- You're right. Your father was already married when he met this woman, and she was someone's else wife. Even so, he was obsessed with her, torn between anger and helplessness. When the war broke in the North, he left to fight the barbarians and never came back here again.
- I knew that my father hadn't married my mother for love, but I'd never have thought that he could feel something this intense for someone. He's always so impassive and composed and only lights up when he talks about war and fights. I wonder who this woman was ... Nevertheless, that's why I'll never marry a man I don't love and who doesn't love me back. I don't want to end up as miserable as my mother is. Her feelings towards my father are beyond indifference, she fears him. What kind of marriage is that ?
- Well, I think she's right to be afraid of him, Madam Choe declared. Your father has a very dark side.
- What do you mean ?
- About one year after the war in the North ended, something terrible happened in Hanyang : a young noble woman was murdered in her home by robbers. She had just sold her property but there was no trace of the money in the house when her body was found the following day. For several weeks, the city went in a frenzy. Several men were arrested but kept claiming their innocence even after being tortured so the investigation lingered until, one night, a noble man went on a rampage and killed dozens of scoundrels and ruffians, including those who were held in the palace prison. He didn't get questioned or sentenced for his actions. The ministers stood by him and claimed that the victims had brought it upon themselves for daring to hurt a noble woman or protecting those who had committed the crime. People were relieved that justice had been served, if you can call this justice, and it all ended like that.
- I don't understand ... How is that related to my father ? A-ran said, puzzled.
- It was your father's doing. Several witnesses saw him that night, drenched in blood, and declared he looked like a demon. Even the commandant of the palace guards didn't dare to try and stop him when he came to kill the prisoners. Besides, General Heo never denied it either and claimed that he'd just done what he had to.
- But why would he do such a thing ? Wait a minute. Do you mean that this murdered woman was the one he was mad about ?
- I know she was. Her name was Kim Yeong-hwa and I'd heard it so often within these walls that there was no way I could forget it. She'd come from Haeju to take care of her affairs here after loosing her husband but she never went back home. Poor soul ... But if I've told you all this, it's because you should know that your father can be a very dangerous man. Even if you're his daughter, he'll expect you to bend under his will. You may not be able to live your life the way you want for long. So you'd better brace yourself and, above all, never defy him.

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