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"Darling, be careful." A concerned voice rang through her ears.

Lilith opened her eyes and let out a huff. "I can't do it." She dropped, she was laying down on one of the cliff in the Underworld. Arms spread, staring up at the dark sky )if you could call it a sky.

Hecate let out a small chuckle and sat beside the younger girl. "Why is it so hard." Lilith whined, pouting at the goddess beside her. 

Hecate simply offered her a smile and say, "You've only started learning an hour ago, you can't expect to be able to master hypnokinesis within a day, can you?"

Lilith kept pouting, "I've always been able to learn quickly, why not this!"

"I think it's because you have the wrong mentor." A new voice joined the two girls and Lilith immediately sat up straight, glancing at the new voice.

Hecate let out an annoyed sigh, looking at the not only one, but two godly beings behind her. "Hypnos. Morpheus." She greeted them curtly.

"You weren't invited." Hecate told them, irritation laced in her voice. Lilith simply glanced up at the two (very)good looking gods with wide eyes and flushed cheeks.

Hypnos was a very good looking guy, him, along with Morpheus took the appearance of a young adult. He had curly black hair, really dark eyes, Lilith couldn't tell if it was black or brown, sharp features, he was really really handsome.

Morpheus, He had silver hair and the most captivating grey eyes. He had a sharp jawline and his lips were curled into a permanent smirk, If Lilith had any say, He could pass as a Malfoy, if his hair was a bit more blonde instead of silver.

"Aw, don't be like that, Hecate. I'm sure the little one is pleased to see us." Hypnos let out a lazy smirk.

"Lilith, right?" Morpheus crouched down so he was eye-leveled to the young girl. 

The said girl let out a small squeak and nodded rapidly, not trusting her voice to speak. The two gods let out a small chuckle and Morpheus ruffled her hair.

"You were learning hypnokinesis, right?"

Lilith finally got ahold of herself and nodded slowly, "Yes."

"That is not your domain, Hecate." Morpheus drawled out lazily..

"I am perfectly aware of that, thank you very much." She replied sharply, "However, it is one of my abilities that passed down to her, the least I could do is teach her the basics."

Hecate huffed out, he didn't particularly like the two gods, but she couldn't say she disliked them either. She simply found them quite annoying.

"Well, we can help with that." The two gods shared a glance.


"You two DID WHAT?!" The loud voice boomed throughout the palace, shaking the grounds of the Underworld.

Hecate stood on his side, arms crossed, a smirk plastered on her face.

"In our defense, my lord, she agreed!" Hypnos exclaimed, eyes wide in fear.

"You do realize the more blessing my daughter has, the stronger her scent will be?" Hades growled.

Apparently, Morpheus and Hypnos, for some reason, decided to bless Lilith with their abilities. She had much to learn, again. 

"You're basically feeding her to the monsters!" Hades shouted once more,

"Um-- It also means she's more than powerful enough to defend herself?" Hypnos replied, it sounded more of a question, actually.

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