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     i walked through the dark halls of my majors building. i am an architecture major, which never surprised my family or friends. i have had a passion for buildings and making models since i was young.

     going through the halls i made it to my classes "lab". we called it a lab but it's really just the place we draw and build models.

     as i walked up to it, i realized the light was on. i walked in as quietly as i could, in order to not spook the person. i didn't want to accidentally mess them up if they were doing something important. inside was a boy, he had headphones in and was working on a model.

     i walked past him, going to my own table. i checked on my model, to make sure it was still okay, and nodded in approval when i saw it was the same as the last time i had saw it a, few hours earlier.

      i heard someone clear their throat, and looked up. it was the boy, still at his  table, but looking at me now. "do you have any extra gray clay?" he asked in a small almost whisper.

     i looked at my table, i had finished the gray parts on my model already, so i didn't need it anymore. i grabbed the gray clay i had, and walked over. i handed it to him carefully, and he gave a grateful smile. "thank you" he said again in a soft voice. "no problem" i replied, returning the smile.

     i walked back to my table, and started working on my model again. it stayed like that, quiet working and no talking, for what felt like 2 hours. i checked my phone, and saw that it was 10:30 at night. i hadn't meant to stay for this long...i looked back to see the boy, was asleep.

     his head rested on his arm, which was laid on the table. he head was turned in my direction. i sighed and decided to stop working for the night, happy with my progress. i walked over to him and cleared my throat softly, trying to wake him up.

     that didn't work...i lightly tapped his arm that was reached out, and that also didn't work. i hummed to myself, i didn't want to just leave him here, he could get a cold. i started to move my hand to tap him again, when his arm reached up and he grabbed my hand, making me jerk forward.

     when my hand hit the table, it made a sound, that was louder than my other attempts. he jerked awake, and like mine would have been, he looked at his model first to make sure it was okay.

     after he saw it was fine he looked over and his eyes widened. the poor boy looked so frightened, as he quickly let go. "i'm sorry! i didn't mean too!" he said quickly, and i found it endearing. i softly laughed, "it's okay! i just didn't want to leave you here by yourself asleep...it's 10:30 pm" he checked his phone, realizing it indeed was that late. "i didn't mean to fall asleep, i was waiting for you..." it was my turn to be surprised.

     he sure knows how to make someone flustered....."why?" i asked dumbly. he wiped his face to make sure he didn't drool, "i didn't want to leave a girl alone, especially at night. i was going to offer to walk you." my ears started to heat up at that, and like an idiot, i joked. "couldn't even ask for my name first before you took me to bed?"

      i slapped a hand over my mouth. he looked at me and laughed. i was soon laughing with him. he has a pretty smile, and a laugh. "you can call me EJ" he said softly after we had calmed down. "nickname base?? okay then you can call me ___" i said, giving him my nickname.

     he nodded "nice to meet you ___" i watched as he held out his hand. i held out my own, and he took it in his...he has big hands...and shook it. "it's nice to meet you too, EJ" i replied, smiling.

-authors note-

let me know what you think!! i hope this was a good first chapter!

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