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Stu was holding a party at his house since his parents yet again weren't home. Half the senior year of their school were there. The party had only been going on for about 2 hours now, but pretty much everyone was either drunk or at least a little tipsy. Some had already gone home because of need to sober up.

Billy stood in the left side of Stu's living room, beer in hand. Sidney and Tatum had left about half an hour ago (they had complained of headache because of loud music and too much beer) and Billy hadn't seen Stu around for a while, though he didn't bother searching. Billy's mind was foggy as he stared at the floor, his thoughts scattered and conflicting. Music was playing in the background but the chatter of others drowned it out just enough for Billy to not be able to make the lyrics out.

Suddenly someone came from behind, pressing themselves up against his back with their front.  A stupid chuckle came from the person and Billy instantly recognized it as Stu. Billy tensed at first, but relaxed when he realized that it was just his friend.

"Enjoying the party?" Stu asked Billy, slightly slurring his words, he had definitely had something to drink. Billy blinked, trying to get his cloudy mind to form a reply.

"It's alright, I guess." Billy simply replied, feeling slightly hazy. Stu wrapped his arms around Billy's waist, locking him in a hug from the back and oddly enough, Billy actually didn't mind. Maybe it was because he was drunk.. maybe something else.
Stu leaned on Billy as he rested his head on Billy's shoulder. His front still pressing against Billy's back.

"'You guess'?" He hummed in Billy's ear. Stu's voice had a hint of a purr to it. Stu always had two different moods when he was drunk: either the high and extremely hyper (more so than usual) or the very clingy and  almost whiny. And right now he seemed to be the latter.

 "Well, we can't have unsatisfied guests in this house. Maybe I should keep you.. 'entertained' for a while?" He comically wiggled his brows, his voice just barely audible over the music and other people talking. Stu's hands began curiously wandering under Billy's T-shirt. Billy could feel Stu's eyes on him.

Billy's eyes looked around. Lots of people were in the room with them, but they didn't seem to pay any mind to them. They were either too preoccupied with someone else, or too drunk to even properly function. 

"What are you doing?" Billy whispered, pushing Stu's hands back down.

"Oh, c'mon dude, I never knew you were such a killjoy.. A little fun never hurt anybody.." Stu mumbled with a dramatic pout, removing his hands from under Billy's shirt and letting them rest on his hips instead. The warmth Billy had felt disappeared with Stu's hands and even though Billy would never admit it, he longed after that warmth. Not many people could give him that, but Stu had just done it so easily..

Billy thought for a moment, contemplating, before saying: "Fuck it." He put down his beer on the nearest table, grabbed Stu's wrist and began leading him upstairs. "Yeah?" Stu's eyebrows raised in surprise, but he let himself get dragged along without complaints.

The brunette knew exactly where he was headed. He had been in Stu's gigantic house a million times before and he quickly found his way to Stu's bedroom. Once they entered, the door was closed and locked behind them, both had a feeling that they wouldn't want to be disturbed the next while. The noise of the party dulled behind the closed door and both Stu and Billy would soon completely forget about it.
Billy had made up his mind, he wanted to explore this warm feeling further. He wasted little to no time with pushing Stu against the door and finding his lips. A short, muffled gasp came from Stu as he hadn't expected Billy to give in to temptation this fast. 

Stu responded after a beat, opening his mouth to allow Billy's tongue entrance as his fingers tangled in Billy's hair. Billy pressed up against Stu as they made out against the door, hands roaming urgently over each other's bodies. Stu felt cold hands travel up his sweater and hold on the side of his neck, a satisfying tremble shot through his body at the sensation. 

The blonde giggled into the kiss and he spoke when the two finally broke apart, "So now I get to be your lucky guy?" He grinned down at the other, referencing to how Billy always calls people 'lucky' when he's interested in them. 

Billy stared up at Stu with dark brown eyes, darker than usual. Dark with lust.
His eyes scanned Stu's face before he broke into a slight smile and a chuckle. 
"You've always been my lucky guy." Billy responded, he could see Stu's pupils dilate at his words. 
Billy's lips found Stu's again and they shared another drunken kiss, alcohol lowering their inhibitions. Stu's skin tingled every time Billy brushed his fingers over his sides under his sweater. 

Stu's hands found a resting place at the small of Billy's back, drawing him closer in a swift motion. Billy's body pressed against Stu's creating friction in all the right places. The blonde groaned into Billy's mouth and his fingers twitched when Billy's fingers traced the hem of his pants.

Still locked in a kiss, Stu backed Billy onto the bed, putting a knee in between his legs. A muffled and almost silent, but noticeable moan escaped Billy's lips, his body tensed and then relaxed again. Billy was lain down on the bed, his back pushing into the mattress. 

Billy's head spun when Stu began peppering his neck with kisses. Stu bit at Billy's pulsepoint and licked at the slight bloodshed after, causing an involuntary twitch in Billy's fingertips. The blonde let out a short and quiet giggle before continuing down the brunette's collarbone. Soon little red love bites could be seen trailing down Billy's body. Stu's hand found Billy's and laced their fingers together, giving it a slight squeeze. 

When another bite came, a little harder this time, Billy cast his head backwards into the sheets with a groan of approval. Billy's vision swirled and distorted the world around him. The alcohol was only doubling the effect all these sensations had on him. 

A shaky breath escaped from Billy's lips as the mere friction between him and Stu had him in a chokehold. Stu moved up to Billy's mouth and they shared a short kiss. Billy's hands found their way to Stu's waist and in a quick movement they had flipped positions, Billy now on top of Stu, straddling Stu's lower body. 

Now was where things began to pick up in pace. Billy leaned down and planted a few pecks down Stu's stomach while his right hand worked to unbuckle Stu's belt and undo his pants. A second of hazy eye-contact was shared before Stu's dark washed jeans were pulled down, revealing black boxers. Two of Billy's fingers hooked the waistband of Stu's boxers and it made Stu to buckle his hips at the feeling. 

Stu's eyes were glued to Billy and his movements. Soon such a thing as boxers were a restriction and they were quickly moved out of the way. With out another thought Billy began licking at Stu's base, earning a gasp from him. 

Stu clawed at the sheets when Billy put his mouth over the tip. "H- Wai- .. Billy-" Stu panted, his eyes rolling to the back of his head for a second. When Stu looked down, dark eyes met his and it made him shiver. Stu moaned loudly into the back of his hand, his breathing becoming quick and irregular.

"Billy, I can't, I'm totally gonna--" Stu whined but cut off the last bit of his sentence into a whimper. Stu's body harshly tensed up before relaxing again when he released. A few pants came from the blonde while the brunette gratefully lapped up every drop.

The rest of the night was a blur. Sensations and feelings mixed together into one big mess. 





dude, i haven't written in a good while now so i'm not surprised if this is absolute trash lmao

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