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Billy and Stu were a snickering mess, high on the wave of excitement rolling through them as they closed the door behind them. Here they were again: Where it had all started. Stu's bedroom. 

Stu felt anticipation bubble up within him as he grinned almost hazily at Billy. The brunette pulled the blonde towards him and they crashed together on Stu's bed again, a mess of limbs and heat.

In one swift movement Billy pulled Stu's shirt off, exposing his torso. Another shudder of excitement passed through Stu's body as Billy's hands brushed over his sides and stomach. Stu felt himself grow even hotter when he saw Billy's pupils dilate and his brown irises darken with lust. Billy wrapped his arms around Stu's neck and they met by their lips. Stu steadied himself on his elbow while his free hand pressed down on Billy's crotch underneath him. A needing sigh spilled from the brunette's lips as he wanted more. He rolled his hips up against Stu's hand, urging Stu to keep going.

The two finally broke for air and Stu smiled as Billy's shallow breathing reached his ears. Stu tilted Billy's head to the side to get easy access to his exposed neck. The brown haired teen felt an almost electric like jolt shoot through his nervous system when Stu harshly bit down. Billy barely contained himself. 

Stu lifted his head and hovered over Billy's lips and hooked his hand under Billy's belt. But before anything else happened a knock was heard at Stu's bedroom door. Billy froze and Stu turned his head to look.

His mother's voice seeped through the crack under the door. "Stu? Are you in here?" She asked in her high-society accent.

"Uhm- Yes! I'm, uhh- Give me a second!" Stu frantically replied and scrambled to his feet pulling Billy with him who didn't seem frightened at all. He looked more irritated than anything. Then Billy's expression changed to an amused one. Sicko. 

Billy silently chuckled and kissed Stu again, obviously challenging the situation. Stu decided to play along. He returned the kiss and backed Billy into the wall right beside the door. Stu then broke apart from Billy and before he could say anything Stu covered Billy's mouth and opened the door. Billy was just barely out of sight for Stu's mother.

"Heyyy, Ma.." Stu awkwardly said and flashed a smile. 

"Your father and I just wanted to let you know that we're going for a little trip. We'll only be gone for a few hours." Stu's mother informed. She always sounded so politely fake, it had always rubbed Billy the wrong way.

Billy quickly got bored with Stu's back and fourth with his mom and didn't want to wait much longer with a hard on. So to let Stu know Billy decided to give him a signal.

Stu's eyes widened and his face flushed a rosy color when he felt Billy's warm tongue drag over his palm. Stu got so distracted by it that he completely for got his mother was talking to him.

"Stu?" His mother called with a furrowed brow that created a crease in her otherwise perfect botox face. 

"Yes?" Stu finally reacted and played off his zoning out with a giggle and a tilt of his head.

"Where's your friend? I thought he was coming over? Billy, was it?" His mom questioned.

"Oh, uh, yeah. He was here. He just.." Stu trailed off as he slid two fingers down Billy's throat to shut him up. A smile passed over Stu's lips when he felt Billy gag. "...Had better things to do." Stu finished his sentence.

"Alright. Also.. Stuart, where is your shirt?" His mother raised a brow.

Stu's face reddened once again. "Uh, I got.. Hot." He explained and it technically wasn't a lie.

"In January?" Stu's mom suspiciously asked. 

"Yeah.." Stu slowly nodded. "It's.. Yeah." He decided to go with the simple answer. 

"Okay then, sweetie. Be good, won't you?" His mother smiled.

"I will. Bye." He said and finally closed the door.

Stu was instantly met with Billy's dark and half-lidded eyes. Warmth blazed through Stu's body and straight down to... His mind was all the way down in the gutter, let's put it that way.

The blonde was backed onto his own bed by his friend Billy. If they could even be called friends anymore. Neither of them really cared about the formal tiltes. It was the 90's for God's sake, who cared? All they cared about was each other.. and to let some frustrations out. 

Clothes were easily discarded of and landed on the floor with a soft thump. The humming sound of Stu's parents' car driving away gave them the green light. No need to stay quiet.

Billy crawled atop a Stu lying flat on his back, the brunette's hand steadily massaging up the blonde's chest. Stu leaned his head back and let out what could only be described as a giggle and a moan fused together and Billy had a thing for it. 

"You always seem to have a thing for all the wrong people." Billy hummed, leaning down to gently leave numerous kisses down Stu's jaw.

"No, Billy," Stu denied, smiling like an idiot. "Just you."

That mere sentence shouldn't have touched Billy. It shouldn't even have brushed by him. But it engulfed him. Drowned his rational thoughts out and brought a grin to his face. 

Stu's whine brought him out of his warm thoughts. "C'mon, dude. I can't handle the anticipation.." He muttered with a pout. "I'm far too sensitive." He sent Billy another one of his signature broad smiles.

Billy rolled his eyes with a soft sigh, yet he wanted nothing more that to just get into it. And so he did. His right hand slid down Stu's stomach and directly to the blondes crotch. Stu's eyes intently followed Billy's hand the entire time as his body tensed. But much to Stu's irritation Billy stopped right before he reached the exact place begging to be touched. Stu's eyes stared up at Billy, frowning. 

"Relax, I'll get to it in a second." Billy said. "You got any lube?" 

Stu raised his brows, his head already filling with multiple - not very PG - ideas. "Obviously." He replied and reached down in his bedroom drawer, grabbing the white bottle, handing it to Billy. 

Billy was gonna comment on the fact that Stu just had a bottle of this stuff handy and in his bedside table's drawer too. But he was itching way too much after some friction to bother.

The thick liquid felt slightly cold on Stu's lower part but also extremely good. Billy shook his head as he noticed a light tremor passing through the boy underneath him. Stu was horribly lost in his own lust. It was painted on his face how much he wanted it.

Billy angled his body up and a little forward, positioning himself directly over Stu's ... and then pushed down. Both their groans mixed together into a symphony of sticky desire. Stu's mind literally blanked for a moment.

Okay, Billy hadn't expected it to feel this amazing. It slightly hurt but in all the right ways. The lube did its work and the brunette slowly found a nice pace to move in. Thoughts clocked out and actions clocked in. 

Stu matched Billy's chosen rhythm, moving his hips up when Billy moved his down. Stu reached deep and Billy covered over his mouth with the back of his hand, muffling whatever spilled from his lips.  

Soon the pace quickened and both neared close to their release. And a release it was. 'God' was the only thing Billy could exclaim before they rammed together in  a trembling and shaking pause. With one of their hands laced together, Billy's moan slipped through his gritted teeth while Stu just let his travel freely, his mouth agape. 

Billy fell down beside Stu, still recovering from the devastating orgasm. Or life-changing as Stu would probably call it. 

"..I think we stained my sheets." Stu muttered through laboured gasps.

"Shut up." Billy shook his head at Stu's dumb comment, smothering him with a pillow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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