Watching Batman with Andy

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So when I saw who was sitting across the table I nearly faint because sitting across from me was none other than bass player of the black veil brides is Ashley Purdy and he asks "What is your name?" So I reply "my name is Blaze." "Well that's a sweet name you got." Ashley replied. So after a while of talking Ashley asks "How would you like to be adopted?" and I just stare at him and ask "Did you ask if I wanted to get adopted?" And he nodded and replied "Go pack your stuff while I sign your papers." and I jump out of my seat an run upstairs into my room and play my music an the Morticians Daughter by black veil brides came on an I packed my clothes in my big black suitcase with the bvb logo all over it and put my makeup and piercings in a small makeup bag an threw in into my black bvb duffle bag. Then I rolled up my posters and put them into q bag and heard a knock at the door so I opened the door and saw Ashley 'aka my dad' and he helped carry my bags downstairs an as we were walking out the door this girl that I hate named Emily said "Hey it looks like that emo bitch got adopted well hope you have fun,not just remember when you get to your new house kill yourself." but I just walked out of the building with tears in my eyes an Ashley put my bags in the trunk an I got into the front an put my headphones on an turned on saviour by black veil brides an looked out the window.
We pulled into a driveway an I got out and Ashley said "Welcome home Blaze." So I grabbed my bags an we went inside an I saw the other bvb boys running around shirtless except for Andy he was sitting on the couch laughing at the boys. Then Ashley whistled and that got there attention and they looked over an saw me and CC asked "Who is she?" and Ash said "This is Blaze my daughter ." and they all said "Hi" so then Ash said "Ok Blaze lets go up to your room and guys put some clothes on."
So after I unpacked my bags I decided to take a shower so when I went into the bathroom I took off my shirt an noticed my scars along my arms and from hip to hip. So after my moment I finished getting undressed an I got into the shower. Once I was done I got out an blow-dried my hair then straightened it then I put my piercings I got an they were snake bites, nose ring,septum,tongue,and eyebrow. Then I went into my closet an grabbed my batman pajama shorts and a batman tank top then I grabbed my Mac computer that my dad got me an I downloaded Netflix an when it was done I searched for batman an I found many batman movies so I clicked on one an hit pause an went downstairs an the boys were staring at me especially Andy because he loves batman an I went into the kitchen an grabbed some popcorn an a monster an went back into my room. As I was setting down my popcorn an monster I got up an grabbed my big batman blanket then as I was about to start the movie there was a knock at my door so I draped the blanket over my an opened my door an saw Andy so I asked "What's up?" So he replied "Since you have popcorn I was wondering what movie you were watching." so I say "I was going to watch batman wanna join me." and he nodded his head an left real quick then came back in his batman pajamas. Then we sat in my bed an watched batman an he wrapped his arm around me while I snuggled into his chest an then I fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up with Andy's arm wrapped around my waist so I got out of his grip an went into my closet an grabbed my outfit which was a white sleeping with sirens shirt and black shinnies and I went into the bathroom an locked the door an got into the shower. After my shower I got dressed an I blow dried my hair then straightened it an came out of the bathroom an Andy was awake and said "Good morning beautiful." an I blushed an walked out of my bedroom an went downstairs an saw the dad was making breakfast so I went into the kitchen an said "Good morning daddy." and he replied "Good morning sweetheart ." then he handed me my breakfast an I sat down at the table an ate my breakfast then I put the plate into the sink an went back upstairs an I went into my bedroom an I noticed that Andy was still in here an he was looking at all my batman stuff.
So I cleared my throat an it made him jump an said "You have so much batman stuff." an I nodded an asked "Hey Andy why are you still in my room anyway? and he responded "Well I like hanging out with you."

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