1| I'm tired of fighting!

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You were laying in your bed, the soft blanket around you keeping you warm, as you were looking back at the eventful day you had just had.

Jade and Beck had been at it again, arguing non-stop, all because of some ridiculous rehearsal for Sinjins new game show.

To make matters worse, they had been voted worst couple, even though the other couples weren't even real couples.

Beck was furious, and to be honest, you couldn't blame him. Jade had been snapping at him all day. All of the last few weeks actually.

She'd always had a short temper, but it had gotten to a point where your friend group didn't invite her and Beck to hangout with you anymore.

You knew that if you did, the night would inevitably end in chaos and drama. Usually, they wouldn't find out that you were hanging out without them, because they were way too busy with themselves, but not tonight.

As you were all gathered around the table in Tori's wonderful home, the doorbell interrupted the laughter that was filling the room.

"I'm coming", Tori yelled, in an attempt to make the annoying sound stop.

The doorbell's chimes finally ceased when she opened the door, and there they were, Jade and Beck.

"See, they're all here. I told you they'd all be here." Beck spoke, clearly annoyed.

Tori's eyebrows furrowed. "Look, I'm sorry we didn't invite you guys to play but uh-" She tried to say, before getting cut off by Beck.

"Tell her why you didn't invite us to play" he said, his eyes switching between Tori and Jade.

Tori hesitated for a moment. "Well, cause we were planning you a surprise party" she said not at all sounding believable.

"What?!" Jade spat out. She definitely didn't find that lie convincing.

You stood up from your chair, and said. "Look we didn't invite you guys to play, because you to are always screaming at each other."

"Yeah, and it makes everybody feel awkward, it makes Cat faint, and sometimes it makes Robbie cry." Andre said, as he joined the conversation.

"One time, I cried one time." Robbie said.

"Six" was the only thing rex had to say for Robbie to correct himself.

"Six times!"

"See!" Beck said while pointing to the table where everybody was sat, except for Tori. "We fight so much our friends don't want us around."

"Toris not my friend, I only tolerate Robbie, no one likes Trina, and Cat's basically a pet." Jade said.

What really caught you off guard was that she didn't say anything bad about you. Sure, you were a part of the friend group, but its not like you and here were super close or anything.

You hang out, share some laughs, but you wouldn't exactly call you BFFs.

So when Jade didn't toss any shade your way, it made you feel quite good about yourself.

Tori spoke up, after an awkward silence. "So, why don't you guys play carts with us?" she said, patting Jade's shoulder.

"Look, I don't want to be your boyfriend if we're just going to fight all the time." Beck said.

"So you want to break up?" Jade said, rage laced in her voice.

Becks eyebrows shot up. "No I didn't say that, I was just saying-"

"You guys might break up? Cause I'm not dating anyone and Ive always thought that Beck and I would make the perfect coup-" Trina said, interrupting Beck, before getting cut off by a pillow that was thrown in her face.

"Next time it's be a hammer!" Jade said. "Come on Beck! Take me to get some food."

Beck shrugged. "I'm tired of fighting."

Jade was already walking towards the door, but upon hearing Becks words, she turned around and looked him in the eyes.

"Okay, I'm gonna walk out that door and count to ten. If I get to ten, and your not out there, I'm going home and we're over." She said.

You looked glanced around the table. Everyone's expressions were filled with shock. Their jaws might've hit the floor if it was a cartoon.

You were all thrown off guard, and it felt like the room suddenly got a whole lot quieter, although you didn't think it was possible.

Jade started counting, as she closed the door.

Beck's gaze locked onto the door momentarily before he began to make his way over to it.

Just as Beck was about to reach the door, Trina unexpectedly leaped onto the couch and then onto him, causing them to fall over.

Jade was still in the middle of counting, getting dangerously close to ten.

You all hurried over, desperately trying to pull Trina off the poor guy.

After what felt like an eternity, you managed to pull her away.

Beck got back on his feet an dmade his way to the door, reaching for the doorknob.

You all waited in anticipation, for him to open the door and go take his girlfriend out to eat, but instead, he hesitated.

Jade finished counting, and an eerie silence enveloped the other side of the door.

You exchanged a look with Andre, and he simply just shrugged. You couldn't quite believe what ahd just happened. Jade and Beck had been inseparable dor as long as you'd known them, even before you became friends with them.

But now, it seemed like things were about to change, and you weren't prepared for what that meant for you. 

A/N: Oof, first chapter!!!!

This is my first real book, and I'm very excited about it! Fake dating to dating is like one of my favourite tropes ever so let's go. I'm also happy that I finally feel motivated enough to write again, since I haven't been feeling like this in such a long time. Anyways, I'm glad to be back again. Let me know what yall think.

Love ya

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