4| what the fuck, Tori?

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you inserted the keys into the lock, and turned them, finally opening your front door.

Lost in your own world, you didn't notice your sister standing right in front of you, with a mischievous grin on her face.

Your preoccupation caused you to bump into her, making you let out a startled scream.

"Fuck, Aimee! Why didn't you say anything?" you panted.

"Where were you?" she inquired, that grin still plastered across her face.

You locked eyes with her, fully aware that admitting your whereabouts would lead to endless teasing, while denying it would result in endless whining.

Of course, she already had an idea of where you went, but she just wanted to hear you say it yourself.

With a resigned sigh, you confessed, "Fine, I was at Jades."

Aimee immediately squealed, "I knew you would give in after my brilliant advice! I bet you two will be head over heels for each other in a week!"

You chuckled. "oh please. It's one of our rules not to fall in love, so no, that's not happening, sis."

"Sure, that's what they all say. Anyways, I'm heading to my room now. See ya later!" Aimee said before darting up the stairs.

Shrugging it off, you took off your shoes and plopped on the couch.


Nervously, you sat in your car, on your way to school.

Today was going to be different though, as you needed to pick Jade up before heading to school, a new and somewhat uncertain part of your routine.

She had messaged you in the morning, suggesting that you pick her up, because, according to her, that's what couples did.

You had no idea what to expect for the day or how your friends would react.

Arriving ad Jade's house, you sent her a text letting her know that you were waiting outside.

Se almost immediately emerged from her front door, as if she had been waiting right there.

"Hey," you greeted with a smile.

"Give me your phone," she ordered, taking you by surprise.

"Why?" you asked, a perplexed look on your face.

"Because, I'm putting on music, duh" she replied.

Your face relaxed as you realized her intention. "Oh, sure."

You handed over your phone and began driving to school.

You half-expected Jade to blast some heavy metal, but to your surprise, she didn't.

Instead, she played a song you didn't recognize but were pretty sure it was by Paramore.

She started bopping her head to the beat, which you found endearing.

Shaking yourself out of your trance, you remembered to focus on the road and the questions you had for Jade.

"So, how do we subtly hint that we're supposedly dating?" you asked, your eyes now fixed on the road.

"As I said, we'll start slow, like sitting next to each other whenever we can and being more touchy," Jade explained before realizing she was being a bit too kind.

"But come on, you're not fucking brainless. You can think of ideas yourself."

Her attitude was nothing new, given your two years of friendship.

Ignoring her last comment, you replied, "Alright, sounds like a plan to me."

The rest of the ride to school passed in comfortable silence, helped by the background music.


Walking into school with Jade at your side, you were practically touching arms.

Tori, one of your friends, spotted the two of you and her eyes widened in surprise.

She approached you, so you said, "Oh hey, what's up Tori?" 

"Can I talk to you for a second?" she asked with a forced smile.

You glanced at Jade, then back at Tori, furrowing your brow as you agreed, "Uh, sure."

"Great, let's go," she said, immediately grabbing your hand and pulling you away from Jade. You quickly mouthed an apology to Jade before following Tori into the janitor's closet, a place you'd oddly been in multiple times this week.

Once inside, you asked, "Okay, what the fuck, Tori?"

Tori fired off a barrage of questions, breathless, "Why did you walk in with Jade, touching arms and everything? Did you drive her here? Why did she let you get so close? Why are you such good friends with her all of the sudden?"

"Calm down, Tori. Yes, I drove her here. Why is that such a big deal?" you inquired.

She regarded you as if you'd lost your mind. "What do you mean, 'why is that such a big deal'? Since when are you two so close? Didn't we warn you not to get too close because of the breakup and all? I'm so confused."

You couldn't help but giggle. "Yeah, I can see that. We hung out yesterday, had a great time, and she needed a ride."

Tori eyed you suspiciously. "If you say so."

"Can I go now? I've got to get to class," you asked.

Checking her phone for the time, Tori exclaimed, "Oh, fuck, you're right. Let's get going."

And so, you left the janitor's closet, making your way to your class, your mind abuzz with the upcoming day.



A/N: I did NOT  proofread this, so sorry for any mistakes :)

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