Dread [Kris x Chanyeol]

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Chanyeol sighed as he walked home from school. His bottom still stung from the punishment he had received from Xiumin last weekend. As much as he tried to behave, it seemed trouble always found him somehow.

Chanyeol sighed heavily as he walked through the front door. He knew what was coming as soon as he saw Kris's stern expression.

"Go to your room and wait for me," his Gege said firmly. Chanyeol trudged slowly up the stairs, dreading the conversation to come.

Once in his bedroom, he sat glumly on the edge of his bed. His mind replayed the events of the weekend - the fight with Baekhyun, getting spanked by Xiumin. He decided honesty was his only option, even if it meant more pain.

After what seemed like an eternity, Kris entered. "Well?" he asked, crossing his arms expectantly.

Chanyeol took a deep breath. "Baekhyun and I argued. He was kicking me under the table and I yelled at him. Xiumin and Luhan made us both go to our rooms."

Kris raised an eyebrow. "Is that all?"

Chanyeol squirmed, unsure how much to admit. "Xiumin...spanked me. With his hand and belt."

"I see. And how did you behave after that?"

Chanyeol's cheeks flushed with shame. "Not very well. Baekhyun and I fought again at school today."

Kris shook his head disappointedly. "Chanyeol, we've talked about using your words, not your fists. Why must you keep disobeying?"

"I'm sorry, Gege," Chanyeol said in a small voice. "Baekhyun makes me so mad sometimes. I don't mean to fight, it just...happens."

Kris sighed. "You're nearly a young man now. It's time to start taking responsibility for your actions. What you did was unacceptable."

Chanyeol knew he was right. Tears welled in his eyes as he pleaded, "Please Gege, I'll do better. Don't spank me again!"

"I'm afraid you've left me no choice, young man. Now, over my knee." He gestured sternly.

With a quivering lip, Chanyeol obeyed, dreading the painful retribution to come but knowing he only had himself to blame.

Chanyeol positioned himself nervously over Kris's lap. He took a deep breath to steel himself for what was to come.

Kris pulled down Chanyeol's pants and underwear, baring his bottom. "You know why you're here," he said sternly. "I expect you to count each smack and thank me when you're finished."

Chanyeol sniffled. "Yes, Gege." He braced himself for the first swat.

Crack! A sharp slap landed on his left cheek. "One! Thank you..."

Crack! "Two! Thank you..." The swats fell quickly, leaving Chanyeol's skin stinging and hot.

By the count of ten, he was kicking his legs and whimpering softly. Kris paused, rubbing his back gently. "You're doing well, sweetie. Keep counting."

He resumed the spanking with equal force. Chanyeol squirmed on his lap, tears flowing freely. "Fifteen! Thank you...Sixteen! Thank you..." Each swat reignited the fire across his rear.

By twenty, Chanyeol broke down crying fully. "It h-hurts, Gege! I'm s-sorry!"

Kris relented briefly to soothe him. "I know, baby. Just a few more and you're done." He lifted his hand once more.

Chanyeol tensed, bracing for the final onslaught. Smack! "T-Twenty one! Th-thank you..." Smack! "Twenty two! Th-thank you..."

The last swat sent him over the edge, wailing face-down over Kris's knee. Strong arms lifted him into a comforting embrace where he sobbed out his remorse.

"Shh, it's over now. You're forgiven," Kris soothed, stroking Chanyeol's hair. "Have you learned your lesson?"

Chanyeol sniffed and nodded against his shoulder. The pain had been worth it to find solace in Kris's loving care once more.

Chanyeol cried softly in Kris's arms, the fiery pain in his bottom gradually subsiding. Kris hugged him close, gently massaging his back in soothing circles.

"There, there. The hard part is over now," he said gently. He lifted Chanyeol's chin to meet his eyes, wiping away tears with his thumbs. "Can you tell me why I punished you?"

"B-because I f-fought with B-Baekhyun again," Chanyeol hiccuped, "and didn't listen to Xiumin."

Kris nodded. "That's right. You need to use your words when you're upset, not your hands. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, Gege," Chanyeol sniffed. Kris's kiss on his forehead brought more comfort than any medicine.

Once his tears slowed, Kris helped him stand on shaky legs. Chanyeol winced, gingerly rubbing his throbbing backside. Kris retrieved a soothing lotion from the bedside table.

"Hold still now while I apply this. It will help take the sting away." His gentle ministrations sent cool relief through Chanyeol's punished flesh.

After, Kris helped him change into soft pajamas. "Why don't you rest now?" he suggested. "I'll bring you up some water and cookies shortly."

Chanyeol happily burrowed under the blankets. As Kris hummed a lullaby, exhaustion overtook the last remnants of turmoil. He drifted to sleep secure in Kris's love and care, having learned difficult yet valuable lessons about listening, communication, and taking responsibility for his actions.

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