chapter thirteen

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The Marines sent a canon flying straight for the ship.

"Hit the deck!" Usopp yelled. Zoro grabbed Blade and dragged her down with him as the canon shook the boat, slightly damaging the fence.

"Everybody okay?" Luffy asked.

"I think so," Nami said.

"No, not okay," Usopp said, "Not even close to okay."

"Usopp, fire back at them!" Luffy pointed towards the marines.

"Or how about we sail away as fast as we can?"

"Run from the Marines? No. Never! Nami, trim the... the sail thing. Let's sink their ship."

"We don't have time, they're stealing our wind! If they pull up alongside us, we're finished!" Nami yelled.

"You're the navigator. Do something."

"Zoro, sheet in and hard to port!"

"What about me?" Blade asked.

"Stay there, I have a feeling they're gonna need a little help."

"I have zero idea how to help!"

"Then do whatever you want!"

Blade instead decided to follow Zoro, not wanting to be anywhere near Usopp with the canons She didn't trust him, and rightfully so. Almost immediately, the cannonballs fell down the stairs, leaving them defenseless.

"I can't believe he expects us to believe the story's of his adventures," Blade said.

"I believe them," Zoro said. Blade looked at him as if he was stupid. "Kidding."

They heard a voice over the speaker. It was the vice admiral.

"Pirate vessel," he said, "By order of the Marines, lower your sails and submit to my authority."

"Never!" Luffy yelled back.

At Luffy's disobedience, the vice admiral launched a cannonball to the ship, not even bothering to use a cannon. Luffy blew himself up as big as he could, catching the cannonball in his stomach and sending it back, taking down one of the Marine's sails.

"That was amazing!" Usopp yelled, "You saved us!"

"You didn't tell me you could do that!" Nami said.

"I didn't know I could," Luffy replied. "Nami, get us out of here."

"On it. Let's disappear."

Blade smiled. "You know, this whole 'crew' thing isn't as bad as I thought."

"How's the ship look?" Nami asked Zoro

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"How's the ship look?" Nami asked Zoro.

"Broken railing," he said, "Minor damage. Could've been a lot worse."

"Could've been better," Blade said, "What happens if we fall overboard?"

"Can't see the Marines anywhere," Usopp said.

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