I cant write fanfiction alright

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(Writing is boring when you're trying to build up tension tbh)



Dead corpses 

terrible writing 

Mk closely examined the tire. "Holy shit, this is much worse than I expected." The tire had a huge claw marks. It would be impossible for it to be done by a raccoon. "Are you able to call a Uber? The store is way too far away to walk." Mk asked.

"I will never call a Uber Mk. Do you know how unclean most urbers are?" Julia responded as she continued texting.

"Are you making a new post?"

"No, I'm trying to talk to Pryia. She's able to fix my car, plus she's almost prepared for everything." Mk got up and picked by Stitches. Julia stopped texting and finally turned off her phone. " She said she's on her way. Also, what did you notice on the tire?"

"Loads of animal scratches, it couldn't been done by a raccoon, its looks like a bear could of done it, but we havent had bears in a long time"

"Holy shit..."

"Yeah, what you said,"  Mk gave Stitches to Julia. "I'll go make breakfast," Mk said as she went back inside. Julia stood outside,questioning what to do with the cat. Stiches looked at Julia and started meowing. Julia went back inside to wait for Pryia. She sat on the couch and placed down the cat. Mk was making pancakes, but she was failing. Mk accidently burnt half of the pancakes, and the rest were undercooked. Mk gave the pancakes to Julia. They ate as they waited for Pryia. 

After an hour, Pryia finally showed up. She knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. Mk opened the door. "Mk, Julia said she needed help with her car,"

"Oh yea, she's inside. I could go get her."

"Sure! I'll wait outside,"

Mk went back inside and tapped Julias shoulder. "Julia, she's here, go talk to her."


Mk and Julia both walked outside to meet Pryia. She waved at both of them. (Idk how to write this LMAO)


Pryia and Julia went to go buy a replacement tire as Mk waited at her house. As she was waiting, she noticed multiple scratches against her bedroom door. Weird. She examined the door closely. there was a weird ink like substance that was on the floor. It was staining the carpet and was becoming more stale. What the hell? She could have swore that it wasn't their yesterday. As she was trying to process things, she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was very cold as it felt like hard rock coal. She quickly turned around to find nobody, but a black figure quickly ran away in the corner. Mk panicked. She couldn't have been seeing things. She stood their in shock before she spoke. "Pryia, Julia? You can stop this prank..." she finally decided to walk around to see if both of them came back. She found nobody. (I'm sorry, but how the hell do you write horror scenes??? This sounds a bit corny to me ._. )

When both of them came back, Mk didn't say anything. She didn't want to seem crazy to both of them. As they finished replacing the tire on Julias car, Stitches started to cry loudly inside the house. 

"What the heck? I never knew you had a cat, Mk. I'm almost done. Can you and Julia go check if the cat is okay?"

"Uhh yeah, sure! Come on, Julia,"

Both of them went inside the house. They both searched the house to try to find Stiches. When they finally reached Mks room, they found the cat but found a scene. Stiches was meowing at a half eaten raccoon covered in blood. The raccoon had its face eaten off, its ribs showing, and its organs spilled out all over the floor. Its flesh was slowly rotting and slipping off its skull. It's hand was slowly twitching as it laid on the floor. A pile of the same black substance for before was pouring out of its stomach.

What the actual fuck?

(Idk how to write anything, sorry it took almost a week to update this, anyway here's some doodles lol)

(Idk how to write anything, sorry it took almost a week to update this, anyway here's some doodles lol)

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 (Idk how to bye it but thanks for reading! I'm going to regret this soon, also TYSM FOR 90 READS <3 )

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 (Idk how to bye it but thanks for reading! I'm going to regret this soon, also TYSM FOR 90 READS <3 )

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