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Eight months later

Ashley: Just for the sake of reminding you, I love you and I miss you.

Justin: I love you too.

Ashley: But you don't miss me?

Justin: Oh I do. I just don't feel like those words truly convey how much.


Ashley leaned on the white marble countertops of her very own kitchen, listening to Lynn's voice coming from her speakerphone on the counter.

"Sorry!" Ashley mouthed to Elle, who sat on one of soft leather couches across the living room from her.

Elle shrugged and mouthed "no worries!" As she returned to snuggling her new baby girl in her arms.

"Let's see," Lynn said and they could hear papers shuffling. "The label loved your idea for the Stronger music video and they want to get the single released in the next couple weeks. I'll get back to you on filming dates for the video. It will probably be in LA. I'll see if I can piggy back that onto your trip out there for tour rehearsals with Darren."
Ashley pulled a face, "Tour rehearsals, huh?"

Lynn must have picked up on her continued hesitance about committing to the tour the record label wanted to send her on. "I know you're skeptical, but after some negotiations with Lance and the label, I do have an update on the tour front that I think you'll be excited about."

"They decided a three month tour would be sufficient, instead of nine months and a European extension?" Ashley asked hopefully.

Lynn laughed, "The length is yet to be determined. No, they are proposing somewhat of a joint tour."

Ashley gave Elle a surprised look as she grabbed her phone from the counter and moved over to the couch next to her friend so she could get in on the new baby snuggles. "A joint tour, huh?"

"Yeah," Lynn paused for dramatics then said. "They want you to wait until Justin's album releases in the fall and then send you on a joint tour with him starting in September."

Ashley dodged Elle's sharp elbow to her ribs as she laughed, "I'm sold on that idea."

Lynn's voice was pleased as she said, "I thought you might be. I hear Justin's even going to make it a shorter tour this time. He says he needs to enjoy life a little more."

"Well what do you know," Elle said, "The superstar is cutting back. I wonder why?"

Lynn's voice suddenly became serious when she spoke again, "Ashley, I'm speaking as Justin's mom here, and not your manager; thank you for making him smile again."

Even though Lynn couldn't see her, Ashley buried her face in one of the couch pillows as Elle answered for her, "Oh, I think the feeling is mutual."

"Alright," Lynn said, her business tone back, "One more thing and then I can let you go. I'm sending someone over with some photo proofs for the album cover and digital single images. Once you go over them, just let me know what you think."

"Sounds good. Thanks Mama Lynn!" Ashley said before tapping off the call and holding her arms out pleadingly for the baby.

Elle transferred the baby, asking, "Why is she sending someone over? Why doesn't she just email them?"

"Who knows," Ashley shrugged, breathing in the baby scent. "I don't even remember getting pictures taken. I hope they aren't just using the ones Lance had done."

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