Disclaimer: To the Readers

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Disclaimer for the Genshin Community:

This story does not intend to take away the credit from the original creators of the story. This is an inspired story based from the storyline and lores of the whole game.
Any events occured in the story is a work of broad imagination. It does not intend to ruin the original story but to make it more interesting and even some parts aren't related to the whole plot of the game. All lores and story from this work can be also accurate to the original one, consisting theories by other fans and credits to them. Not every characters will be included in the story. Spoilers ahead.

Disclaimer for the Non-Genshin Community:

Even though you don't know the game, you can get an insight of some of the events that occured within the story. You will encounter parts that quite confusing but as you progress within the story itself you will manage to understand the whole purpose of the story but it's your choice if you want to be spoiled by the storyline. You can explore with us travelers in the world of Teyvat.

Additional Note:

Some used images are credited to their respective owners, while others aren't. Grammatical and Spelling errors ahead.

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