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"Where am I? Who are you?"

"The sustainer of the Heavenly Principles," she answered

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"The sustainer of the Heavenly Principles," she answered.

Seraphina asked what she wants from her and the unknown god responded with a nod and disappeared.


She opened her eyes and found her self laying down in the side portion of Celestia. She immediately asked her superiors what she saw in her dreams and they said it was the sustainer of the Heavenly Principles.

"It's weird that she appeared in my dream," Seraphina said.

"Well this is Celestia after all nothing is weird here," one of his superior said.

She decided to take a stroll around the place and she looked down and saw a world she's not familiar with where she asked one of her superiors what is the world below them. Her superior told her that is the world of mankind, Teyvat.

"Our roles is to sustain everything is in order, that's our god wants."

"I want to go down there," Seraphina said.

Her superior laughed and said it is dangerous down there.

"It takes courage and risk to go down there because it's full of any kinds of danger," he said to her.

As Seraphina was still young she was trained by her superiors to battle with enemies, learned how to use abilities and when she finally not young anymore where the Cataclysm happened.

Ending a lot of life and gods where Seraphina was tasked to stay away from it

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Ending a lot of life and gods where Seraphina was tasked to stay away from it. She doesn't know why she was restrained to go and see it but her superiors were allowed to see it.

She asked why but no one gave her a valid answer that made her more curious. She heard one of her superiors talking around the talking that talks about the gods who went to the Cataclysm.


"Seraphina I didn't know you were here," one of her superiors said.

She asked them about it but they ignored her question and just walked away.

Moments later the unknown god showed infront of everyone and looking for a guardian who can observe the occurence below Celestia.

"It's her! The woman in my dream," Seraphina said.

Many of the guardians residing in Celestia declined the unknown god's offer but not for Seraphina. It's because she was curious to know the land below them known as Teyvat. She volunteered herself to go where her superiors told her if she's capable for the role.

"I will try to fulfill this duty as a guardian of Celestia!"

"But you don't know everything on that land!"

Then she requested if they can help her know some of the information about Teyvat. But she rushed learning the information about the world below them because of excitement.

"Very well," the unknown god said.

"Be prepared for your descend into the world of mankind," she said additionally.

Seraphina nodded happily and asked a blessing from the unknown god that she'll succeed on her task. The unknown god smiled and said,

"Don't think it's going to be easy Celestian girl, you don't know much about everything."

Deep inside the unknown god's word hit her that she still doesn't know all about the information about the world below them.

"This would be challenging to you," the unknown god said.

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