Breezing Dragonspine

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Seraphina was in the middle of her journey to Liyue, the nation of contracts when something caught her attention.

"What is that floating structure on that icy mountain?" She said.

"What is that floating structure on that icy mountain?" She said

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"It looks like a nail."

Seraphina wants to continue on her journey to Liyue but she was bothered by the structure she saw in the middle of of the mountain. Until she decided to take a closer look of it by going into the mountain.

She saw locals below the mountain and it seems they were camping down there, where she asked them how to go in to the top of the mountain.

"I am sorry but we couldn't help you due to extreme cold," said by another local in the area.

"You need help? I can help you," said by a young child wearing a backpack.

She said to Seraphina that her brother works on the mountain and she can help her find a way to go into the top of the mountain. Seraphina is hesitant because a child is offering her a help and she doesn't know if the child can handle the extreme cold of the mountain.

Seraphina kneeled her knees down infront of her and asked,

"What's your name?"

"I am Klee," she answered.

"Well nice meeting you Klee! But are you sure you can help me?"

Klee nodded and ran to the road leading to the breezing mountain. Seraphina shouted that Klee should slow down in running. Until a bunch of hilichurls blocked the way she is heading to. Seraphina draws her celestial blade to attack the hilichurls but suddenly they exploded for no reason. She then saw Klee holding a ball shaped item on her right hand.

Seraphina ran to her and asked what it is and Klee said,

"It's a toy! Want to hold it so we can play?"

"No thank you," Seraphina answered.

They both continued walking on the road until they reach a certain laboratory. Where Seraphina saw someone standing near a table.

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