Chapter 3

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Narrator's Pov:

It was the next morning, and everyone was up

Well... except for one..


Ragatha entered the main room with her usual smile.

"Good morning, everyone," she said

The others wished her a good morning as well.

They started to talk for a bit until they heard Gangle cry.

"He broke my comedy mask..again!" gangle said, upset.

"Seriously, you haven't been in this room for 5 minutes and already targeted gangle?" Zooble said.

Jax just rolled his eyes and smirked

"Relax, she'll be fine. She always gets over it."

Ragatha was about to say something before caine appeared.

Jax's POV:

I saw that Ragatha was about to say something, but she was cut off by caine appearing.

He wished everyone a good morning and explained what he had planned for today.

I sort of zoned out, not interested what so ever.

I was snapped out of my daze once pomni spoke up.

"Has anyone seen Y/n?" she looked around.

"The new kid hasn't shown up all morning." I said, stepping over gangle's already broken mask on the floor, causing her to cry more.

'What a crybaby..'

"Someone should get her, wouldn't want her to go crazy, during her first week here.." Ragatha said.

I just stayed quiet and looked at my gloved hand in disinterest of what was going on.

Y/N's POV:

I was sitting on my bed, knees pulled to my chest, zoning out.

'Why am I still here!? This must be another bad dream..' My eye twitched slightly.

'There must be a way out.. I can't just throw my life away.. I've done so much to get this far, and now it's all taken away from, just because of a stupid headset." I let out a growl and buried my head into my arms.

I was pulled out of my train of thoughts when someone knocked on my door.

I didn't want to talk to anyone right now, so I didn't answer in hopes they would leave.

I heared muffled, talking from the other side of the door before..

*click click click*

Ragatha's POV:

"Why am I not surprised.." Jax looked back at me with a smirk while he put the key back into his overall pocket and shrugs.

The door opened to reveal an annoyed looking Y/N.

Y/N was glaring at the two of us and was about to say something before I spoke.

"I'm sorry about that.. we were worried about you, since you didn't come out of your room.."

"And that's a reason to lock pick someone's door and invade their privacy?" Y/N said, raising a brow.

Jax's POV:

While Ragatha was trying to explain and apologise I minded my own business, as if I didn't have anything to do with this and walked off chuckling to myself.

'good luck with that'


I just started to ignore the red-haired doll and left my room, closing the door behind me.

"Whatever.. just don't do that [beep] again. It's rude." I said, leaving her behind and making my way to the lobby.

'Not even through my first week and others are invading my privacy..?' I sighed.

Arriving at the main room, I noticed the others were looking at me, and I raised a brow at them.

"What?" I gave them a confused look.

"We are just.. happy to see you are up and well.." Pomni said.

"Okay.. thanks, I guess.." 

I went and informed myself, what was planned for today.

"Today we are going to do a  game of hide and seek, just that two teams will be looking for hidden objects!" Caine explained, Zooble just groaning in annoyance.

"Do I have to participate?" they asked.

"W- Well.. the more, the better.. right?" Pomni said.

I just shrugged while sitting on a big toy cube.

This sounded boring as hell, but if it's a way to pass time in this place, then you might as well take part in the activity.

"Sure.. That sounds fun.." I said.

"That's the spirit!" Caine said before he selected the teams.

I was on a team with gangle and Jax.. if that isn't an interesting choice.. I wouldn't know.

I mean, sure, I haven't been here for long, but I do know that those two don't get a long.

Before the game began, I hoped that there won't be any drama during this. I do not have the nerves for that at the moment..

"You have 10 minutes to find 20 hidden items, the team who finds the most wins!"

And with that, both teams headed off to find the items.

I stood there puzzled since I zoned out and didn't exactly know what we were looking for.

"Are you coming, or are you expecting us to look by ourselves?" Jax said.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to them, and with that said, we started to hunt for the hidden items.. 

'How difficult can it be.. should be easy enough.. right?'   


Chapter 3 is done! Hope you enjoyed it, and if you have suggestions, let me know.

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