Capítulo 31

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As the days went by, the weather at Hogwarts began to improve; the lack of attacks and the arrival of spring had given everyone hope that everything would soon be back to normal.

Harry overheard Professor Sprout saying that the mandrakes were becoming unpredictable and full of little secrets, which meant that they would soon leave childhood behind.

"When the acnes are gone, they'll be ready for repotting," the Herbology teacher told Filch, "and after that, we'll cut them up and cook them. And before you know it, you'll have your Madame Nor-r-ra back."

Filch seemed thrilled by this, or as happy as the grumpy janitor can appear to be.

Gilderoy Lockhart seemed to think that he alone had made the attacks stop, Hermione seemed very close to believing it but seemed to avoid saying it out loud so as not to start another fight with Ron, or anyone else who wasn't a fan of the professor.

That morning, Harry and his friends saw the notice on the communal message board: the dueling club had reopened and the second-year students would have their session with Professor Lockhart at eight o'clock that evening.

Harry was briefly excited about learning new things about dueling, but having to learn them with Lockhart made him rein in his expectations.

On time, they met several second-year students from all the houses in the Great Hall. Harry's excitement waned a little when the DADA teacher appeared, practically parading in his dark plum robes, with far more pomp than he deserved.

Right behind him was Mr. Black, in his burgundy robes and a black cloak. He looked as neutral as ever as Lockhart began to speak.

"Let me introduce you to my assistant, Professor Black."

That son of a bitch. A wrinkle appeared for a moment on Black's forehead as he stared briefly at the other professor before disappearing and his neutral expression returning.

Something in the potions professor's gaze made Harry think that Black didn't like his colleague very much.

"He told me he knows a thing or two about dueling and agreed to help me give a brief demonstration before we started," Lockhart's smile was big and blinding, and Harry found it very fake too, "but don't worry, you still have your potions, teacher, after I beat him."

Regulus narrowly avoided growling. His mother's voice reminded him that he was a man, not an animal.

They stood facing each other, greeting each other with a curtsy. Then they both raised their wands and wielded them like swords.

"As you can see, we wield our wands in the usual combat position," Lockhart said to the silent group of students, "on the count of three we will cast the first spell. None of us intend to kill, of course."

Just because it's still a crime. Regulus thought staring at him.


They pointed their wands at each other.

"Expelliarmus" a red flash came out of Black's wand and hit Lockhart, knocking him into the air.

He flew to the back of the stage where he was standing, crashing into the wall and sliding down until he was on the ground like a starfish.

The Slytherins applauded Black, as did a few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Hermione danced on her tiptoes trying to see better and Ron bent over holding his stomach while laughing.

Harry tried not to follow his friend in his laughing fit, but his eyes watered and he laughed silently.

"Do you think he's all right?"

Regulus Black the Potions MasterWhere stories live. Discover now