The day after

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Alana dad notice that she and her friends wasn't home last night he decided to call the police they arrived a few minutes after they question him what happen he said he just woke up to check on the girls but found them gone out their room the police did a investigation for them they found footprints in the backyard and the hinges on the fence was left open. Finding their footprints that lead the police to the Cal and serve the search the place looking up and down the place to find the missing girl figuring they were there the search continue when they didn't find the bodies but one of the police officers Danvers smell something rotten when he got near a hidden door cover dust that made the door seem like a wall he told the others cops about it they burst inside to for any signs of the missing children. They looked around for a bit using their searchlight to see since the light didn't work trying the old dusty switch up and down did nothing as they continue inspecting farther into the room. Spider crawl on the empty floor lapsed filled the metal trash can in the room some litter on the floor. The police look through file cabinets eventually one of them found pendant what that Douglas answer officer Clint, It's one of the girls pendant " here let me see it" he gave it to Clint he open the pendant they look into it seeing the three girls smiling while holding hands together poor girls let hood to God we find them " disappearances like this happen all the time usually end up finding them dead or not at all it really depend Clint. Alright let keep going Douglas the more we wait the more chance those girls could be dead. The officers leave the empty room they continue their mission as everybody else look for any possible evidence Douglas look through each of the rooms while Clint use his scanner to find footprints, DNA,  or handprints. After searching for a bit the two come back to meet up " well did you find anything ? No did  you " me either"well there gotta be somewhere kids just don't disappear like this whoever took them obviously knew what they were doing but we can't let them get away with this " calm down Clint you always get work like this don't if we find we find them if we don't we don't" as Douglas was talking Clint saw a the streetlight outside pointing to some strange shape outside wait I see something outside Clint I'm going to go look without a chance for Clint to respond Douglas was walking out the door to the streetlight shining above muddy footprints Hey Guys I found something Clint and the rest of the officers rush over quickly " what you find ? I found these this muddy Douglas squint his eyes near some bushes getting up following the footprints to where they lead to with other police officers behind them. They follow the footsteps running across the many streets where they found trash cans and fences damage continuing further they got to a what appear to be a abandoned home. The footsteps lead to here but why " let's find out" wait we can't just walk up in there and suspect no one home there could be people inside or the girls for all we know " or it could be the intruder in there" were not sure but we can scan the perimeter to make sure it safe for us to enter inside Squadron 1 move out squadron one move to the right side of the house Squadron 2 move out squadron did as told moving to the right side of the house alright let's we're heading inside the two officers made their way inside with the two of squadrons coming from the right and left they search from top to bottom seeing every room in the house for them to find. The two officers met up with each other hey Clint you find anything ? " No I haven't yet but I had found some droppings in the hallway leading up to the attic I wanted to see if you wanted to use for anything" Thanks Clint this will be useful is there anymore of this hair lying around " not much though in the hallway I collected what I could" Ok Clint let's go see if lead anywhere the two headed upstairs in quick fashion excuses past other officers who were still setting up their investigations equipment. They walk up the stairs seeing the trail of brown, black and mix of blonde hair in the middle the officers follow it until it stop at the in the middle of hallway when Douglas look up he figure it lead to the attic where they will probably find their evidence. Clint do you have a crowbar to get this thing a loose " no sir I only have this cane that was lying on the floor" that should do he use the cane to
pull the attic door down making a long bang as it hits the ground dust spur on their eyes making them cough. "Cough" "cough" " cough" gosh dang how long it been since that door was pulled ( probably been awhile) I wasn't asking Douglas can tell Clint was getting some type of way by the he was looking when he gave him a strict look with his eyes ok let's go up the two begin to climb into the attic. They climb up the ladder making their way inside Douglas duck his head out first feeling the dense air in the room the air in the room was heavy with a foul odor surrounding it hmph what that smell " cough" "cough" good God it disgusting ( Lord is that what I think it is that causing the smell I don't want to go any further ) we have to keep going "cough" " cough" they proceeded in the attic the walls were decorated with pictures of people family on the walls, some on the little table push up in the corner in the room ( The smell is growing stronger here we need backup) Your right HEY squadron 1 and 2 come up here we found something with a foul oder "sniff "sniff quick. The more I stay up in here the more it drives me crazy the two begin searching through the cabinets, the little table in the right corner, and old furniture. ( wait Douglas I found something ) what is it I hope it what I think it is come on help ! Clint quickly come to help mumbling a little about Douglas good thing Douglas was more focus on the mission more than anything digging through piles of wood then finding a old sheet stain with old dried juices as his hand made contact with it. Douglas pulled away at the last minute. Ahh what is this I think no it can't be Clint lift up the sheet to find a dismembered body laying in front of them it was disgusting they looks like had been merge together the two officers reacted in disgust Clint ran to window and threw up while Douglas sat there a broken look was across his face as backup arrived.

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