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Hell, A place for sinners to go to after Death and a place full of demons

In an old office buiding, away from the sounds of traffice, there is a meeting going on adout how slow the bussines is going.

There room is have Blitz, Millie, Moxxie and Blitz cusion Mint who are imps.

There room is have Blitz, Millie, Moxxie and Blitz cusion Mint who are imps

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( This is Mint)

Then Loona, the only hellhound in the company who is busy on her phone.

Blitz: All right, I know business have been a bit slow... lately.
Its no ones fault, I'm not naming any names here.

Moxxie then rised his eyebrow at the fact that Biltz might have called out his name to blame in even though he said his not naming any names.

Blitz: Does anyone have any bright Ideas on how we can get Business drumming up again?

Millie then put her hand up having an idea.

Millie: What adout a car wash?

Biltz then reject that idea since in hell no one cares adout that.

Biltz: This is hell Millie no one cares adout cars being cleaned here okay!

Then Mint had an idea that her cusion would like to hear.

Mint: How adout a Billboard cus?

Biltz: Thats an great idea Mint!
A billboard sounds like an great idea!

But Moxxie tells his boss that they can't afford to pay for one.

Moxxie: We can't afford a Billboard sir!

Biltz: Helpful Moxxie, really glad your in the room right now.

Blitz said that with sacasm before then pushing the male Imp  off his chair.

Blitz: Have you guys forgotten what servious we provide!

Blitz then turn the tv on to show an ad of the I.M.P killing people.

Blitz sharing popcorn with Loona, Millie and Mint as they watch the ad.

Blitz: Ah those where the good times.

Moxxie have gotten himself up amd told his Boss adout the money that Blitz used on the ads.

Moxxie: I don't need any reminding sir, considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious Tv ad last week.
One then you additionally paid to have run for full three hours on a chanell nobody watches!

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