Loo loo land

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I will be skipping some episodes, I'm not intrested in doing, i'm sorry but they still happen as I am trying to follow the Helluva boss storyline, so don't expect anything too different.

Also I didn't expect so many people to read this book that fast, it only came out yesterday.

Blitz is in his personal office private playing with dolls he made of Millie and Moxdie with a picture of himself but then he got a call amd answer it.

Blitz: What?!

Stolas: Well hello my big d**** Blitzy.

This comment made both Blitz and Octiva spit out there drinks.

Blitz: What!

Octiva: The?!

Blitz: F****?!

Octiva: Dad?!

Stolas: Language everyone!
I have a special request.

Blitz gtoaning not wanting to have sex with the bird again.

Blitz: Look, I just had a chemical peel, so you have to find someone else face to plant that feathered a***.

Stolas: Its for my daughter.

Blitz then misunderstood what Stolas is talking adout.

Blitz: Make sure she washes it!

Stolas, No!
No, no no no.
I'm taking my daughter to Loo loo land and I was hoping your brave little imps, would accompy us.

Blitz did not understand why Stolas want an group of Assassins for hire to accompeny him and his Daughter, there not body gaurds for hire.

Blitz: We're assassin's not body gaurds.
Don't invite us to s**** unless someone gonna die.

Stolas then offered Blitz something that the imp can't refuse.

Stolas: I'll pay you.

Blitz: Pay me what?

Stolas: Money.

Blitz is now willing to do this body gaurd job so he can get more money beside killing.

Blitz: Done!

Blitz out of excitment, slams his phone onto his desk which causes it to smash.

He then gets calls out his employess and his cusion that they are going to Loo Loo land.

Blitz: M & m, and M!
Get in here! We're going to Loo loo land!

Then all the three Imps poke their head inside when they heard that.

Moxxie and Mint: Loo loo land?

Millie: Loo Loo land!?

Blitz: Loo Loo land!!!

Loona had enough of hearing the imps ahouting out Loo loo land.

Loona: Shut the f**** up!!!!


We then see The I.M.P van arriving at Loo loo land, Moxxie got out amd open the van sidling doors, letting Stolas and Octiva out.

Stolas put an apple head on and have a Loo loo land Tv shirt, happly trying to encourage his daughter to join him, hoping she'll have fun but Octiva feels embrassed.

The I.M.P are weaing bodygaurd like uniforms.

They walk into Loo Loo land and Blitz tells Stolas this is only f9r work only.

Blitz: Now remember, this is work and work only.
Me and my crew are not here to satisfy your preverted bird need, alright.

Octiva: Hey dad do we have to-.

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