spring broken part 1

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Mint is sitting in the next to her Cusion who is driving the I.M.P van to the building where there work is.

Moxxie, Millie and Loona are with them too, Millie and Moxxie in the back and Loona sitting with Blitz and Mint.

Blitz was trying to listem to an song while driving, this annoyens Loona who doesn't say anything.

But the an pink vechical came out of now where and Took their parking spot, which surprise the Imps and the hellhound.

Mint: Cus look out!

Blitz: Holy s****, f****!

Blitz scrambled as he hit the breaks stopping the van from crashing and Blitz turn off the van radio.

Mint noticed the licene plat and told Blitz.

Mint: Blitz look at what is says on there!

Blitz look angry at the car that nearly caused him to crash.

Blitz: Oh you suck for life do ya?!

Mint noticed that the pink car and the demon in the car seem very familer to her.

Blitz get out the megaphone to complain to the demon.

Blitz: Listen up here you pink c*** dump!
You got three god dam seconds to get your tampon out of my parking spot.

But Blitz and Mint then reconsied the succubs that got out of her car.

It was Blitz ex Verosika Mayday, Mint never figure out how he was able to get with a popstar.

Blitz: Oh s****!

Mint: Verosika?

Verosika: Blitzo.

Blitz is angry to see his ex again.

Blitz: I should of known you'll be here!
I could smell fish from miles, which is odd because I believe the nearest ocean is-!

Blitz fell out from his Van before getting back up to finshed his sentence.

Blitz: Three rings down!

Verosika: And I should have known you'll be here when I heard the Amber alarts.

Blitz: Oh yeah, I'm surprised they let out your fat a*** out of rehab.
I can see your still a drunken w****** clutching onto that Beelza juice bottle like its the last c**** in hell!

Verosika: They let me out because I'm still famous, and rehab is for sad loosers wash ups.

The succubes then took a sip out of her bottle.

Verosika: So your sister says hi.

Blitz still in anger as his ex why she is in his parking space.

Blitz: Why are parking here?
This is the only parking spot my company has!
So take your tampon race car somewhere else!

Verosika: Actually prick.
It has my name on it.

Versosika points down to the grpund where Verosika name is sprayed painted over the I.M.P name.

Versoika then explain why she is here.

Verosika: I'm doing a bit of freelance for one of the infintely more succuessfull companys in the building.

Loona couldn't believe that Blitz knew Verosika mayday, one of the famous pop stars in hell.

Loona: No way.

Verosika: They wanted to have me coming in this week to lead their team during spring break.

Blitz: A week?!

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