Chapter 2

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So now we sitting in math solving this easy problem than Mr Ankel comes AND tells ME crap AND Brandy and Tammy wicked at ME AND said "I told you" SHE was right al along AND SHE never lied I LOVE maths BUT MY teacher pain in the ass FOR day AND day I should have listened to Brandy BECOZ ALL he IS doing IS explaining boring methods, well who cares it's MY favorit subject thow.

So we all making a noise and we don't wanna hear him speak so all we did is draw stick people and Mr Ankel was one of them and all we were doing is giggling, as soon as he was done explaining the Bell rang and we all ran out cause it smells and its too boring.
It was the sport period so we went to go change into our sports clothes becoz we had to go practice our soft ball skills.........we always have to bring our clothes when its a Thursday.

The lesson for sports is 1hr to 1hr 30 anyways we always enjoy the period becoz our teacher is always making us do fun interesting things... So while the boys do the basketball thing we would be playing soft ball as a group of girls.

After sports
So it was time for us to go to English and the teacher that teaches us English we love her becoz she understands our teenage vibes but anyways.......she never knew who I was so Brandy told her that my name was Jemmy and itscmy first day here....she welcomed me and made me feel comfortable of me being in her class.

After a while during the lesson Ryan came to my table and I didn't know what to say to him I just looked at him with a gilty face and all I could say was SORRY ..But anyways hexwasntcmad cause I snapped at him he was upset becoz I was with Brandy most of the time and he was a little jelly...but I didn't care cause its odd to be such a close friend with a boy you don't know so I say its better if its a girl.

I just couldn't  face him he was a pain in my ass cause he always wants to I forgot to say ...his a nerd so that's why he loves studying.
Now it's the end of the period everyone has to leave and go to the different study sessions of the day.

So Ryan and I went to the same study session answer sat next to each other So I wanted to day something Victor didn't wanna come out for some odd reason..... but anyways I had to say something, something fine but not harsh to him becoz I saw he wasn't happy by the way I spoke to him earlier So I had to apologize to the guy.

So I'm Sitting looking at him thing about what I wanna say but I can't think of anything So maybe what ever I wanna say will come out and I didn't even think about it....So here goes nothing.

"Uhhhmm Hi Ryan."

"Oh Hey Jemmy."

After he said Hi to me he was very happy and when I looked at him he kept on smiling the whole time and I was confused... and kept asking myself questions but anyways I have to talk to him.

"Ok,look I'm sorry about earlier I wasn't thinking right that's why I was.So harsh in you and I know that didn't make u So happy after all. So could you please forgive me?

"Jemmy I'm not made at you at all I was just upset that you went to Brandy and you left me just like that."

"Ohhh. I'm So sorry I didn't know how much that will hurt you So are we still friends? "

"Yes we are friends."

So I did q great job by apologizing and having a friend like Ryan is Dope. Becoz he is never trouble after all.

So we giggled and played around and now it was time to go home So I was happy to see Brandy again So I waited with her until my mom came So I said Hi to Jayden and my mom and I told my mom who Brandy was and she could see it was the girl next......So my said she could come with us.

So we went to get something to and my friend Brandy came with us when we got there we saw guys that had the uniform from our school and as Brandy and I walked pasted they looked at us till we walked out of the shop.

They wanted to talk but we couldn't becoz my mom  was waiting for us and she could see who we talk to.... but maybe we will  see them at school tomorrow.

So we went off and dropped off Brandy at her house and we went home... I got home and went up to my room Well I was surprised about my mother  asking how school was... or Well I don't care.

I went to take a shower and sit do my homework after I sat on my  bed and went online So when I went online I saw posted messages about me the new chic Jemmy I was happy couse people loved me.

So I went down smiling and dancing singing a happy song So when my lil brow asked what was it I just said Nothing was very weired becoz my mom was giving this look as if I ate  her cat but anyways I finished dinner I went to wash the dishes and after went off to my room.

As soon as I took the Frist step in my room she called me and I stamped my feet and pulled my hair becoz this women saw me going up stairs and she just waited for the moment I took a step into my room I just hate it when she does it.... So anyways I went down again.

"Jemmy!! "

"Yes mom!"

Well. I saw you and Brandy in the shop looking at those boys."

"Uhmm... mom we don't even know them all they wanted to do is introduce themselfs to Brandy and I."

"Well I thought you gave one of the boys your numbers."

"Well mom it wouldn't be a problem to do that  becoz all they wanted is to know us... it's not maybe like they've never seen us at school they did but the thing is I never saw them becoz it was my frist day."

"Well I was just saying..I just wanna keep you away from boys."

"Ohh So mom even if a guy wants me for the metric dance you will say No?"

"No I won't."

"Well What your you trying to say is not right... mom I'll come to you if I need help it was my frist day and already you wanna tell me about boys that I don't even know... OHHH PLEASE WOMEN GIVE ME A BREAK!!!"

She just looked away and kept quiet she had to cause she had Nothing More to say cause of what I said to her.. Well though I went back into my bed and I took my laptop and I went onto Skyp. I called Brandy and I told her all about what just happen to my mom and I... Well though I knew it wasn't me Becoz I've never spoke to my mom like that or an adult....Well though she'll be strong.

So I said goodnight to Brandy becoz it was like about 22:30 Well though at list I from to talk to Brandy and told her I would see her tomorrow morning at school.

Jayden came to my room to say goodnight So I was happy to see my bother we had a long conversation about mom becoz he heard everything the was saying to me.... I even fell asleep on his chest.

During the night I woke up and put him nicely on my bed becoz I never, wanted him to wake up So he slept on my bed in a very long time... becoz the last time we slept in the same  bed was when we were kids...So I also went to sleep right by his side and woke up next morning.

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