Chapter 4

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So now when they were done talking Lia found me around the coner and she got scard and she just ran.Well all I did was I went to Jeymen and said

"Uhuum Hi."

"Ohh Hi Jemmy how you doing?"

"I'M fine, I just wanted to if you got a date for the dance?"

"Well No I don't I was wondering if...."

"Ohh sorry I have to go to class."

After that moment I ran off to class Well Jeymen never finished his sentence maybe he will tell me some other time cause I had to go. After Lia and Brandy saw me with him the gave each other high fives and I had to ask what was going on

"Well Jemmy what did Jeymen say to you. "

"Well all he asked was how was I doing. And I told him fine. After that I asked if he had a date for the dance and he said Well I was wondering and after that I told him I had to go So he never got to finish his sentence So maybe what ever he wanted to say he will tell me some other time."

"Mmmmmmm Ok we were just asking."

" girls are not telling me something. And it seems serious. "

"Uhhhh it's Nothing."

After they said that they looked confused Well all I did was stand in my line behind Brandy and Lia ran to class cause she would get into trouble if she was late cause we going to write a test now So she would get a F for her test.

So I sat down and wrote my test after the 2hrs of the test 12AD walked in and sat metro the people they have to sit next to Lia ran to her sit with a smile becoz it was next to Ryan she gave him a kiss and a hug and Brandy next to Leo while me and Jeymen are having a silent moment I just had to start s topic but I didnt know what to say to him So we were quiet the whole time.

The bell rang and we had to stay in for a couple of hours again I was sick of Sitting there watching people having love time So Jeymen just taped me on my sholder and I turned...and he came in with a kiss and I just got happy for some odd reason the whole class saw that and was claping and saying you go Jeymen Well after that long kiss

"The time when we as talking to you there until I never finished my sentence I wanted to ask you to the dance ....So could you be my everything? "

"Yes I will I also wanted to tell you how I feel about you Lia and Brandy never knew I liked you No one did. "

"Well I'M happy to me with you the person that I saw the frist time I melted. "

Lia and Brandy were So,happy to see me happy So all we did was have a Chilling time while the teacher wasn't there. I was happy with my love and So exited.

So the boys were together after a while Lia went to the toilet after So.e time when she came back k she had blood on the cloths I asked what happen and when I looked outside I saw Tina her old best friend and I pulled her in the class and I slapped her and punched her Jeymen didn't know I could do that No one did they were shocked Tina was bleeding So I had to go home and not come to school for 3days .

I was told that she almost had to go to the ICU I was scard of what I did I felt sorry and good at the same time.

So I was ho.e the whole time doing Nothing there while Jayden also went to school So Brandy came over I was happy to see her it was the second day me at home So the next day was the last day and I was gonna go back to school.

"Well everyone misses you So much. "

"I miss them too Hey."

"Jeymen never stops talking about you Hey it gets So annoying."

"You must tell him I love him and miss him."

So she had to leave I'M not aloud to have any friends over my mom ever took my phone I can't find it any were cause she takes it to work So I was bored I was aloud to watch TV So I would to my chors of the house So I was home alone the whole 3days.

I heard the car So that was my mom and she said I could go back to school tomorrow the teachers said So and she said she went to see Tina I never cared at all but I felt bad cause I put her in hospital but anyways she'll be strong that I know and I was sad that one of my bestie were in hospital I miss Lia So much though.

Jayden came home and I was happy to see him So we went up stairs and we chilled in his bed while we had a funny conversation together and he told me about this girl he likes So much her name is May So he told me she's w beauty just like me.

I can't belive my own brother said I'M hott So I am Well.

I went to bed and I said good night to him I'M still not talking to my mom cause of what happened the last time.

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