Tadc: how they react to I love you, but they like you too

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Flustered immediately..."you like ME!?"

Seemed kinda happy about it eventhough she didn't know what to do after that point

You somewhat kept her sane...sane enough not to become abstracted, she still kept that apprehensive demeanor about her but she felt more...safe around you


Completely speechless until their shocked expression melted into a pleasant smile...

Haha...are you ok...I mean I always liked you, but never knew you would confess to ME.

You seemed happy together for a while, with only minor teasing from Jax


I love ME too!

After a while his teasing seemed more flirty and would probably blame you for any crimes he will potentially commit

You could always tell the rabbit had feelings for you even if he never directly said it


U-uh...you like me...

They weren't exactly one to show their emotions so their compliments could easily be misled as sarcasm, but they were good protection from Jax with their short temper

You couldn't always tell but they were satisfied with you by their side


W-why would you like m-me?

Whenever their comedy mask broke you would always repair it the best you could and comfort them when they needed it 

Your relationship with them was wholesome and sweet, why wouldn't it be?

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