Stick A Needle In My Eye

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Heyooo, hope you all enjoy this!

Content Warnings: Discussion of discrimination (magic and ableism), absolutely dragging Evil Dead.


Yugi gritted his teeth, fists clenched. Sweat beaded on his forehead. He could do this. Damn it, he could do this.

"Please," Ryou whispered. "You don't need to. It's not worth the risk."

Seto glared at Yugi. "Don't you fucking dare, Mutou."

Yugi locked eyes with Malik. Malik swallowed hard and nodded. You can do it.

Yugi took a slow breath and closed his eyes. He rolled.

The table erupted with cheers and Ryou grabbed Yugi's arm. Yugi peeked and laughed when he saw the nat 0 staring up at him.

Kek groaned from behind the DM screen and typed in the results. "You successfully seduced the dragon."

"I told you!" Yugi pointed across the table at Seto. "I told you I'd get there first!"

Seto gritted his teeth and slammed his fist on the table. "I roll to seduce the dragon too!"

"Too late for that," Kek snickered. "Gods, I can't believe I'm about to say this, but the dragon is enthusiastically responding to Yugi's advances. Yugi, flip."

Yugi frowned but grabbed a coin and flipped. "Heads."

Kek hissed through his teeth, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "I'm going to need you to roll damage."

"Why?" Yugi frowned.

"You're the bottom."

"Damn it!" Yugi dropped his head onto the table as everyone erupted with laughter. Malik tutted and shook his head disapprovingly when Yugi looked up at him. "Hey, don't you start. You encouraged me."

I stand by that. Malik winked. This is so much better than I was hoping for.

Ryou giggled. "The game or Yugi winning and failing at the same time?"

Malik smirked. Yes.

"You're such an ass." Yugi rolled his damage and quickly updated his character sheet. "But you know what, you can all suck it, because I got us out of a major boss fight with my amazing seduction skills."

"Absolutely not," Seto insisted. "I had the matter under control."

"But I got there first," Yugi taunted.

"Okay, well, I'm not about to narrate a full sex scene with a dragon," Kek said, "so the dragon picks you up and you hear her growl as she looks you up and down. Seemingly satisfied, she carries you into the next room. She gives the rest of the party a look, warning them not to follow, and locks the door behind her. So, Yugi's out of commission for a while. What does everyone else want to do?"

"I want to find that stupid mirror we've been looking for," Mai decided.

I want to look for treasure. Malik grinned.

Kek hummed. "Bakura has the highest perception check. If you roll well enough, you could find both in one turn."

Bakura grabbed the dice and rolled a thirty-seven. Decent, but not good enough to find both. "Sorry, sugar tits. I'm with the new guy. I check for treasure."

"Bakura, we need to find that mirror!" Ryou protested as Malik pumped a fist in the air to celebrate his victory.

"Hey, this is perfectly in character for Cain," Bakura insisted, picking up his miniature figure and pointing at it. "You think this diva cares about a sightseeing mirror? No. He wants some gods damned gold."

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