klaus, you precious person (ep 2)

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I was so rudely awakened by the light streaming through the window the next morning, a dull ache in my muscles and joints as I slowly sat up and looked around. Right. I'm in the Umbrella Academy show, in V's apartment.

I sighed when I saw that Five was nowhere to be found, shrugging it off while the violinist left their room. "Morning...Shay, right?" I nodded and waved with a small smile as I stood up and folded the blanket that I slept with. I threw it over the back of the couch and reached for my jacket, only to see a note.

Had to leave and see what was up with Meritech. Ask Vanya to take you to the Academy and I'll get you later.

I folded up the piece of paper and stuck it in my pocket before turning to V. "Hey, uh, Vanya?" I called quietly, the name feeling foreign on my tongue. "Could you bring me to the Academy? Five might be there." They nodded and grabbed their phone, calling an Uber to pick us up while I put my jacket and shoes back on.

After a comfortably silent ride, we walked into the large building, the violinist yelling for the boy as we got closer to his room. I followed silently, twisting my rings as we entered the room.

"Oh, thank God. I was worried about you." V sighed in relief.

Five turned his gaze away from the window, his green eyes flickering between the two of us before settling on his sibling. "Sorry I left without saying goodbye."

"No, I'm the one who should be saying sorry. I was dismissive, and I...I guess I didn't know how to process everything you said. I-I still can't to be honest," they stammered while the boy shook his head at them.

"Maybe you were right to be dismissive. Maybe it wasn't real after all..." He scoffed and walked over to his dresser, messing with the toy train that lay on top of it. Bullshit. "It felt real. Well, like you said, the old man did say time travel could contaminate the mind." He walked back over with a fake smile.

"Then maybe I'm not the right person to talk to. Look, I used to see someone: a therapist. I could give you her information-"

Five shook his head. "Thanks, but...I think I'm just gonna get some rest. It's been a long time since I've had a good sleep." V bought the lie and gave me a nod before walking away.

Right on cue, Klaus exited the closet while a bunch of shit fell to the floor in a loud clatter. I had to slap my hand over my mouth to contain my laughter while the boy's green eyes narrowed on his brother.

"That's so...touching! All that stuff about family and Dad and time. Wow!"

"Would you shut up? She'll hear you!" Five said through gritted teeth.

"I'm moist!" He said quietly, making me double over in a desperate attempt to suppress my giggles. Klaus overheard me and smiled brightly, ruffling my curly hair. "Ooh, you brought the new girlie! What's your name again, little darling?"

I calmed myself and smiled up at the man. "I'm Shay," I introduced myself while he turned the boy.

"She's so cute! Can we keep her?" I raised an eyebrow while Five facepalmed, but I swear I saw him smile for a split second.

"I thought I told you to put on something professional."

The man pouted. "This is my nicest outfit."

I shrugged. "Just raid your old man's closet. Not like he can do anything about it." Five shrugged and pointed at me while Klaus smirked and nudged me.

"I like you already."

We left the room before the man gasped and pulled me back by my wounded shoulder. I winced loudly, getting Five's attention as he glared slightly at his brother.

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