stolen moments (ep 9-10/filler)

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"What if we just robbed a bookstore?"

"Why would we wanna do that?"

"That sounds like paradise. Imagine all the books you could want at your fingertips."

"...Doll, that's a library."

"But we would own the books!" I whined, earning a chuckle from Five. The two of us had been bouncing ideas back and forth for around half an hour about what to do now that the "apocalypse was over."

Little does he know...but all I can do is give him a few moments of peace before his world literally comes crashing down.

"Shay, you're too good to start a life of crime," the boy assured softly, making me pout.

"But lovely..." I whined again, the amount of strawberry margaritas in my system having caught up to me.

Five shook his head with a small smile. "I'm not gonna take suggestions from you while tipsy."

I shrugged and pouted. "Suit yourself."

A moment after I said that, Diego started to come to, pained groans escaping him as he stood shakily.

"Good, you're up. Ready for a drink now?" The boy asked his brother snarkily, making me giggle quietly.

"Where is he?" He growled, looking between the two of us.

I snorted. Calm down, Batman.

"We let him go."

"You what?"

"Now that the apocalypse is over, it's time for the fighting to stop." His words fell on deaf ears as Diego gathered himself up and went to leave the room. "Hey, he didn't kill Patch. His partner Cha-Cha did."

He whipped around. "So what? They were both there that night." He said strongly despite the slight tremble in his voice.

Five sighed. "This half of the partnership gave me both their guns. Which will clear you, because the ballistics will match Patch's crime scene. Hazel came here for a way out. He wanted a fresh start. And he happened to have in his possession the one thing that could do this family a little good. So, it's time to move on."

"Not a chance."

The boy shrugged. "Suit yourself." He tapped my knee, making me set down my margarita glass as we both stood up and started to walk out of the room.

I hesitated before turning to Diego. "Hey, I'm curious." This got the attention of both Hargreeves men. "Patch. What did you like about her, Diego?" I asked softly.

The man shrugged. "A lot of things. Cute butt. Nice legs." I sighed while Five rolled his eyes.

"Anything a little more profound than that?" The boy questioned sarcastically.

Diego thought for a moment. "She believed in people. No matter how much shit and filth she saw in the streets. She always saw the good inside."

I bit my lip nervously before stepping forward and giving him a side hug. "Maybe killing Hazel and Cha-Cha isn't the best way to honor her memory, then." I then pulled away and grabbed Five's hand, leaving the building.


Five and I were walking through the park as the late afternoon sun shone through the growing tree leaves. The sunspots danced across our faces as we glanced around at everyone enjoying their day.

"Hey, why are we here?" I asked, turning to look into his green eyes as they met mine.

He took a moment to think before shrugging. "I figured you would like people watching someplace a little more interesting than a library."

trouvaille - a five hargreeves storyWhere stories live. Discover now