Part 1 (The First Day)

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- It's the first day back to school. I finally get to see my friends after a long summer break. I hope I have some classes with Jennie and Jackson. I miss them.

                                 [ There was a knock on the door. ] 

Esther - Are you ready yet? We are going to be late. Hurry up!


- Ok, ok. I’m almost done, give me a minute. What about Uncle Juan?

Esther - Uncle Juan and I will wait for you in the car. 

                  [ 7 minutes later, they arrived to school. ] 

Esther - I will see you after school, ok? Have a good day!

Y/n - Thanks. See you after school, bye, you too.

Y/n’s POV - I was walking in the hallway looking for my locker when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Jennie. I was so happy to see her, I gave her a big hug.

Jennie - Y/n I’ve missed you so much, you look great!

Y/n - Thank you, you look great too! I've missed you, Where is Jackson?

Jennie - He told me he is going to be late because he forgot it was the first day back to school. 

Y/n - Like always, what is your first period? 

Jennie - I have Chemistry, what's your first period Y


Y/n - I also have chemistry! 😊


                         [ The school bell rung. ]

Jennie - We should get to class before the teacher yells at us on the first day back. 

Y/n and Jennie - Breathing heavily 

Y/n - We made it before the second bell rang.

Jennie - Thank god, why does chemistry class have to be on the other side of the school.

Y/n - Who knows? But the good thing is that we got here before the teacher did.

Jennie - Let's sit here in the back.

                  [ The second bell rang as the teacher came in the room. ]

Teacher - Good morning students. Welcome back from your summer break. I see some familiar faces. My name is Miss. Kim Jisso.

Students - Good morning, Miss. Kim.

Jackson - [ Breathing heavily at the door ] 

Miss Kim - Mr. Wang, I see you’re late on the first day of school.

Jackson - Sorry Miss. Kim, I didn’t realize today whether the first day was back. 😅

Miss. Kim - It’s ok, Jackson, please pick an empty seat to sit for our lecture.

             *Jackson's sits across from Jennie and Y/n 

Jackson - Hi Jennie. Thanks for reminding me that the first day of school was today.😊

Love Struck 🌹❤️ ( Under some serious rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now