Part 4 (A Terrible Sight)

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Jackson - Lets sit here.

Y/n\Jennie - Okay.

Y/n - Huh, there are not a lot of people here in the cafeteria. 

Jennie - True, cause the cafeteria is always packed.

Jackson - I wonder where everyone is today, I mean, they are letting us eat outside on the bleachers now.

Y/n - Yeah, that’s true. Maybe most of them are there.

Jennie- Maybe they went out to eat with their friends or something?

Jackson - Probably. 

Y/n - So Jennie, are your parents going to do anything for your birthday?

Jennie - No, they will be working very late so I will just be at home.

Y/n - You're not going to stay home on your birthday. I will take you out somewhere.

Jennie- Really Y/niee?

Y/n - Yep, just wait and see!

Jennie - Well, whatever it is, I hope you are able to plan it in 4 days. 

Y/n - I think I will be able to plan it in 4 days, just wait and you’ll see.

Jennie - Thanks Y/n.

[ The lunch bell rung. ]

Y/n - See you two after school.

Jennie- Bye Y/niee.

Jackson- Bye shorty.

Y/n - Now, off to Math class. 


- I hope Eric does not come to class, I don’t want to deal with his bullying today.

[ Enters the class quietly. ]

Mr. Hwang - Good afternoon students, today I did not plan anything, so you have a free period. Just make sure you continue to do the homework I gave you yesterday so you can get ready for the quiz.

Y/n - That’s wonderful, I get to have a free period!

[ Eric was breathing heavily. ]

Mr. Hwang - ERIC! You’re late again sir.

Eric - Sorry Mr. Hwang, I went to the restroom then I wandered across the hallway with some of my friends, and I uh.. lost track of time I guess. 

Mr. Hwang - Eric, since you came in late again you will have after school detention with me. Here’s your detention slip.

Eric - No, please Mr. Hwang I have practice after for my upcoming game. You can’t do this to me. I have a reason.

Mr. Hwang - Sorry Eric, but you are having after school detention. You have no excuses for me.

Eric - FINE!! [ Eric raged. ] 😡


- Dang..why did I have to jinx it now he’s here and in a bad mood?! 

                        [ Eric got near Y/n. ]

Eric - Hey loser. [ Eric was with a mad face at Y/n after talking to Mr. Hwang. ]

Y/n - Ughgh…Yes? 

Love Struck 🌹❤️ ( Under some serious rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now