Formal affairs

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"Do we have to get dressed up?" Xiaojun complained, letting Ten do his tie for the first SM, or really just NCT cause they made up most of SM, company party.

"Yes. And Yuta and I expect you boys to behave. If you don't, then we're going to have a problem" Johnny nodded. Xiaojun sighed and swatted Ten's hands away, finishing his tie by himself. Winwin came out looking really nice in his pink shirt, but looking like he would rather be anywhere else at the moment also. Johnny didn't blame him; he'd rather be doing anything else but this as well.

"Whatever you say, hyung" Kun finished his own tie and turned to Winwin, who was staring at him as if daring Kun to try and make him wear a tie. Kun decided that was not worth his time and effort and he left it alone. Yuta, however, did not.

"Sicheng, put this tie on" Yuta tossed the kid the tie and Winwin caught it, pouting.

"But I hate wearing one! It chokes me" Winwin complained, sounding like he was seven instead of fourteen.

"You can keep it loose but you need to have one on. Your fourteen now, not ten" Yuta scolded. Winwin sighed deeply and started putting the piece of cloth on with the help of Kun. Finally, they all finished and headed to the company.

"You guys got dragged here too?" Xiaojun walked over to Mark and Renjun, starting up conversation with them.

"Yeah. Though I think we're going to be leaving a little bit sooner than you all because of those three" Mark motioned to Chenle, Jisung and Jaemin, all of which were already looking very tired and bored. Kun understood. It was nearing nine and if he was correct, those three were usually asleep by now.

"Lucky" Ten walked over, looking sour. He was usually a very outgoing person but all the people there were adults so there wasn't really anyone to talk to.

"I guess. I'm kind of excited to be out this late though" Mark admitted. Kun just shrugged. To be honest, he had always known that WayV was a bit more involved in what happened in the group and company than Dream was but he didn't want to make Mark feel bad so he didn't mention this.

"We're usually at these things a lot though so I guess we get bored more easily" Ten didn't seem to share the same idea as Kun and the oldest watched as Mark's face fell instantly.

"Oh, I didn't know that. How often do you come to these things?" Mark tried to still seem excited for them but it wasn't hard to tell that he was less happy about being there.

"Usually whenever there is one. We have a breakroom upstairs for when parties run past ten" Kun answered, knowing there was no use hiding it anymore. Mark just nodded and excused himself.

"Really Ten? Did you have to say that in front of him?!" Kun turned to his friend.

"What? I was just being honest" Ten shrugged, not seeing the big problem.

"Ten! You know the company looks at us more highly than it does them!" Kun scolded.

"So what?" Ten really still did not see the problem.

"Their just kids!" Kun argued. Ten shook his head. They were all kids so he didn't know what Kun was going on about. Even Doyoung had been a kid when he joined NCT.

"We all are!" Ten pointed out. Kun had enough, grabbed Ten's arm and dragged him into a separate room.

"Look, this is the first time Dream has been to a party and this might be one of the only times for them so please don't go ruining it by reminding them that the company values us more than it does them" Kun pleaded. Ten just nodded, promising that. There was only one thing Kun said that didn't make sense.

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