Smoky tales

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"Should you be doing that?" Yangyang swung down from the tree in the backyard. Winwin jumped, the vape slipping out of his hands.

"Yangyang! What is wrong with you!? Don't sneak up on people like that!" Winwin snapped. Yangyang jumped out of the tree.

"Why are you vaping?" Yangyang got right to the point. Winwin picked up his vape, stuffing it in his pocket.

"Don't worry about it" Winwin huffed, annoyed at being caught. There was no way to get peace in the whole house.

"Hyungs won't like that" Yangyang argued. Winwin rolled his eyes.

"Well hyungs aren't going to know so keep your mouth shut" Winwin threatened. Yangyang crossed his arms, smirking evilly.

"Let me try" He ordered.

"Hell no. Your still a kid, I don't want to be the reason you get even dumber than you already are" Winwin scoffed, shaking his head.

"Then I'll tell Johnny-hyung and Yuta-hyung that your vaping. Or better yet, maybe I should just go straight to Taeil-hyung" Yangyang threatened. Winwin knew he was done for, he wasn't going to win this one so he just handed the vape over and pretended not to watch. Yangyang handed it back after a minute and went inside. Winwin rolled his eyes.

From that moment on, every time Winwin went out to vape, Yangyang followed him. It became tradition. Winwin actually didn't mind; it gave him and Yangyang a chance to bond.

Until it didn't.

"Well, this is interesting" Kun had his arms crossed, leaning against the doorway of the glass sliding doors leading to the backyard. Yangyang breathed in too deeply and dropped the vape, coughing dramatically. Winwin smacked him on the back, causing Yangyang to just stop coughing.

"It's not what it looks like!" Winwin assured Kun, but it failed.

"HYUNGIE! COME SEE THIS" Kun turned back into the house. Winwin grabbed the vape, running inside after Kun. Yangyang was right behind him. They were both too late.

"Vaping?! Have you lost your mind!?" Johnny stood in front of Winwin and Yangyang, both boys sitting next to each other on the couch. Winwin was looking away, already frustrated with getting caught and blaming Kun for tattling on them. Winwin especially because he was older and he had known better than to let Yangyang use his vape.

"I mean honestly, your fifteen and eleven. Why did you think this was a good idea?" Yuta cut in, equally as disappointed as Johnny. It was just Winwin and Yangyang's luck that both of their guardians happened to be home when Kun caught them.

"Dong Sicheng, would you like to explain first?" Johnny waited. Winwin looked at Yangyang, hesitating. One part of him wanted to protect Yangyang but the other part was angry both at Kun for being a tattle and at Yangyang for blackmailing him.

"I'd really like to know why you thought giving your eleven year old brother a vape was a good idea? Nevermind you vaping, which is just as bad. But your both kids, your brains are developing and things like this-" Yuta held up the vape, waving it around, "slow your brain down!"

"Yangyang blackmailed me into letting him use it!" Winwin blurted out.

"Hyung! Are you serious?!" Yangyang went to push Winwin but he missed and ended up falling onto the floor. Winwin scooted back when Yangyang got up and sat back down.

"Blackmail? Yangyang!" Yuta gave the maknae a stern and disappointed stare. Yangyang folded his arms, glaring at Winwin.

"Alright both of you are in so much trouble. Winwin, you don't give your eleven year old brother a vape. Yangyang, you know better than to blackmail your hyungs into getting what you want" Johnny lectured.

"And both of you know the dangers of vaping. I am still baffled that you thought this would be a good idea. I don't even know what either of you were thinking but it stops now" Yuta added.

"Yeah, this better not ever happen again. If either of us finds out you're vaping again, there will be worse consequences. Is that clear?" Johnny nodded, picking up from where Yuta stopped. The two of them bounced off each other for a while, entertaining Winwin and Yangyang.

"Are either of you even paying attention?" Yuta stopped mid- lecture.

"Yep" Winwin nodded once.

"Of course we are" Yangyang mumbled, a little bored. Yuta and Johnny stared at them, surprised.

"Alright, since lecturing you isn't doing anything then I guess we'll just skip to the next part" Johnny decided. Yuta agreed quietly.

" part?" Winwin had a good idea what the next part entailed and he was dreading it. Winwin was fifteen now, he was too old to be spanked. Unfortunately, Yuta and Johnny did not agree. Even Kun still got in trouble and faced the prospect of a spanking when he got caught.

"Winwin, your with me. Let's go" Johnny motioned the older boy over. Winwin hesitated but he knew there was no use in arguing. Johnny walked Winwin up to his room with a hand on the back of his neck. Winwin pretended it wasn't there for his own sanity.

It wasn't long until Winwin found himself over his hyungs knee, trying to stay balanced so he didn't fall on his face. Johnny wrapped an arm around his waist, keeping Winwin secure so he didn't fall.

"You are too young to be vaping. Whatever you do after your nineteen and moved out is your business, though I hope you make good decisions and learn from what Yuta and I have taught you but we can't control what you do as an adult" Johnny smacked his hand down twice. Winwin tensed up, not expecting that. He had seen it coming but the first swat was always the worst.

"But as long as you are in this house, you will not vape or smoke or drink. Is that clear?" Johnny added, speeding up the swats.

"Yes! Yes, hyung! I understand" Winwin nodded. Johnny kept going for a few minutes until he was sure Winwin had learned his lesson and then he stopped. Winwin clung to him, sobbing out promises and apologies for everything.

"Yangyang, if I have to tell you again to come over here, you'll get double!" Yuta stopped trying to chase the maknae around the room. Yangyang dodged every attempt Yuta made to catch him.

"I didn't mean to! He told me I could!" Yangyang repeated. Yuta lunged forward and caught Yangyang by the arm, pulling him closer and swatting him.

"Do not lie to me. Winwin said earlier that you were blackmailing him and I know he wasn't lying" Yuta corrected. Yangyang bit the inside of his cheek, cursing Winwin for tattling on him. Yuta tugged Yangyang over his knee and spanked him a few times. It didn't take long until Yangyang was crying. Yuta has given him slightly more than was planned, for the blackmail especially. It was over quickly and the two boys laid down for a little while, fighting sleep.

And then it was Kun's turn. Not for tattling or anything. No, Winwin told on him in return for Kun tattling on him and Yangyang.

"This is so unfair!" Kun practically threw his phone at Johnny and stormed off, slamming the door to his room.

"Well you should have thought about that before cursing in front of your brothers and telling them to lie about it! Your lucky your just grounded!" Johnny yelled after him. There was no response to that except for the muffled sound of someone screaming into their pillow or bed. Johnny decided not to bother with that; Kun would calm down eventually.

Taeil-28 Johnny-27 Taeyong-27 Yuta-27

Doyoung-22 Jaehyun-19 Jungwoo-19

Kun-16 Ten-15 Winwin-15 Xiaojun-13 Hendery-12 Yangyang-11

Mark-13 Renjun-12 Jeno-11 Haechan-10 Jaemin-9 Chenle-8 Jisung-7

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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