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"I was overwhelmed, okay?" Taehyung defeated himself, glaring at JungKook.

"Yeah, yeah, and then ran away!" JungKook clapped his hands in joy. He was laughing hard, remembering Taehyung's state when they first met. JungKook in a million times won't forget it.

Surely Taehyung's state of mind and heart was confusing him, but it was special because JungKook knew it was the first time and that was also for him.

JungKook looked at Taehyung, who was sitting in front of the dressing mirror in their closet room. "Ok, sit here. I am bringing your clothes." JungKook patted Tae's shoulder and left from there towards their closet, going through piles of clothes.

Taehyung huffed in annoyance. He held the camera, which was on their dressing table. "Kids, your dad, I think, left his brain somewhere. He is laughing like a maniac. I am going to beat him for touching Cam and teasing me. Just wait and watch, Mr. Jeon!" He closed the camera, not in the mood to continue recording.

JungKook came back and saw the cam was off. "Why did you close the recording? Is its battery down?" JungKook asked but didn't get any response. He chuckled at his moody husband. Those days, he could sense many changes in Taehyung's behavior. He could get happy in a minute, and next in tears, no, not in sorrow, it was in joy. On the other side, he gets angry and then all clingy.

"Shall we go and shower love?" JungKook asked softly, his fingers sliding through his husband's shoulder. Taehyung didn't say anything; he pushed JungKook's hand.

JungKook was new to this all but somewhere a little bit familiar because he saw Jimin's time. Jimin was a handful, and Yoongi sometimes had to take help from his husband's babies to understand him.

JungKook sighed. He bent forward on Taehyung's level, putting his chin on his husband's shoulder. JungKook slid his hand onto Taehyung's waist. "Are you mad at me, love?" JungKook asked.

"You were teasing me!" Taehyung confronted with a pout looking down.

"I have rights!" JungKook kissed Taehyung's shoulder, whispering in his ears.

Taehyung felt a shiver just a little touch from JungKook's side in his sensitive area. He was looking at JungKook through the mirror. If anyone saw from behind them, surely Taehyung was all covered by his husband. He likes it. He likes being submissive to his husband. Only for his husband. He likes it when JungKook's whole buff body covers him; he feels safe; he feels at home; he feels away from everything. Everything...

JungKook slid his hand upward at Taehyung's collar area, taking off the buttons of his loose shirt, which he wore under a long brown coat. One by one, JungKook removed Taehyung's clothes. All the time, JungKook didn't let his husband move from his place. And Taehyung was staring at his husband through the mirror.

JungKook up his eyes, looking at Taehyung's naked body only for him. The skin was always soft and glowing. It doesn't matter to him which shade his love has, but the radiant glow from his Love was always an attraction for him. Taehyung was also staring at his husband through the mirror.

"Staring is a bad thing!" Taehyung said it with a little giggle.

"I am staring at what's mine!" JungKook whispered passionately. Taehyung smiled and turned around, still in a sitting position, locking his arms around JungKook's neck. He leans forward and pecks on JungKook's lips, caressing his hair.

"Thank you for today's date! I enjoyed it a lot." Taehyung said. JungKook blinked his eyes with a little nod. "At your service, your highness!" He said, bowing his head. Taehyung giggled softly and patted on JungKook's shoulder.

"And sorry for teasing you, my love," JungKook apologized, Taehyung shook his head, pecking at his husband's nose. He didn't say anything; he just blinked his eyes with a boxy smile.

I Will Always Love You {TaeKook}Where stories live. Discover now