Chapter 13 - 2 vs 1

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"Eso! Kechizu! Take a good look!" Choso exclaimed in menace and the blood behind him forms an intimidating shaped by his malice.


With that, choso precipitates several orbs of blood around him and took his firing stance of piercing blood again. He started aiming towards itadori who was now standing down the corridor, and with choso's surprise, you weren't there.

"Tch where is she!" He grumbled under his breath while his eyes roamed around, though he was still in his firing stance.

Just as you and itadori planned, you were now hiding behind the wall, just behind choso while itadori was far away from him. Itadori gave you a signal using his pinky and you nod in agreement.

With that, itadori jump off the ground and dictate the timing of choso's shooting. This catches choso's attention which made him slightly confused but he won't let his guard down.

You took the opportunity to attack behind him. 'Hopefully this will work itadori.' You thought to yourself as you come out behind the wall and rushed behind the tall man.

You spun your nunchuck and jumped at choso's back at full force making him fall down the ground on his stomach, he was caught off guard by your sudden attack.

"Itadori!" You called out with a nod as a signal. You were now straddling choso's back, and you wrapped your nunchuck's chain around his neck to choke him.

"Guhhh!!" Choso spluttered while struggling to move but you straddled his back even tighter.

"Nah uh!" You said closely to his ear, and you tightened the chain around his neck. Itadori took this chance already, he started jogging towards your direction with a confident lopsided smile. Itadori already readied his divergent fists.

Choso was still on the ground, he started coughing as if he is almost out of breath. Then he started speaking, his voice was almost visible.
"So this was your plan? You two were obviously baiting me, but i'll play along." He said furiously with a small smirk, and it makes you furrow your eyebrows in frustration.

"Is that so?" You scoffed and choked him even more, itadori rushed to choso's face and he was about to strike him but choso was too agile. You gasped in disbelief as he instantly jumped from the ground that made you fell from his back, and now you fell on your back on the ground.

"Y/n!" Itadori called out and he immediately circled behind choso and bashed plenty hits on his spine, choso winced and he quickly slides away and aims in an instant.

"Blood manipulation: Surpernova!"

He exclaimed and casts Supernova, and crucially fired three buckshots of condensed blood into itadori's back that injures him severely. Then choso follows up his Supernova attack by creating a blade with blood edge and stabbed it into itadori's foot.

"Gackk!!" Itadori groaned in pain and discomfort. Your eyes widened and you bounce back from the ground. "Damn you.!" You yelled as you clenched your jaw. You sprinted to choso and grabbed the back of his fabric, you swiftly launched a kick to choso's jaw that cause him to knock on the ground.

You looked back at itadori with full of concern "Yuji are you okay?" You asked worriedly while still gripping choso's fabric to make him unable to move just in case he will do his next move.

Itadori nods "Y- yeah, thanks to you!" He regained his composure even though he was still in pain, especially his foot where choso stabbed.

"Hey. Hey." A robotic voice came through the communication device. It was mechamaru, itadori gave you a nod before turning on his heels.

Choso watches in confusion as itadori ran off and went behind the wall in the distance to answer mechamaru's questions and listen to his plans.

You were now alone with choso. Realizing you were still clasping the back of his fabric, you rapidly blow a punch across his face before letting it go.

You got up from the ground and you were about to run "itador-." You were cut off when choso suddenly pulled your ankle that made you stumble down the ground again. You yelp slightly at the force.

"Dammit!" You grumbled before you kicked him on the face but he grabbed your ankle again tightly this time and lifted you up in the air, and you were now upside down.

He glared down at you. "You're too slow."



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To be continued.. please leave a vote, and see you in the next chapter! <3

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