Let The Decorating Begin

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Zaya ran into the room with her stuffed animal

Mommy mommy I am hungry

Fatima did not move she was knocked out. Zaya then went to her daddy side shoving him to wake up 

Zaya: Daddy I am hungry can we go get Starbucks please 

Zac yawning and stretching 

Zac: Starbucks you are to young for coffee

Zaya: Mommy lets me get a refresher and a croissant 

Zac: I guess we getting Starbucks then, we gone let mommy sleep longer she's tired 

Zaya: Can we bring mommy something back 

Zac: Of course 

Zac put Fatima ass to sleep last night hopefully they wasn't to loud and Zaya didn't hear them.

Zaya ran to put on her shoes, Zac still sleepy lets go princess 

Zaya got in the car and buckled her stuffed animal in then got in her carseat 

Zaya: Daddy are you ready for Christmas 

Zac: I am are you ready 

Zaya: Yes but my best friend in class doesn't like Christmas 

Zac: Why not 

Zaya: Because her family is not rich like you and mommy

Zac: You are very blessed Zaya and most people are not fortunate to have the things you have.

Zaya: Can we get her some gifts to put under her tree so she can be happy just like me 

Zac: Yes princess we can do that I am glad you want to help others

Zaya: Because that is what Pastor Darius taught us at church that it's not about the gifts it's about Jesus

Zac: You are absolutely right glad that you be paying attention in children's church 

Zaya sat in the back singing Christmas songs

Zac started thinking to hisself this little girl of mine is so smart the perfect mixture of both of them but mainly her momma. This is Fatima's mini me 

They got their ordered and headed back home 

Mommy we brought you your favorite Starbucks

Fatima sitting up in bed 

Fatima: Thank you sweetie 

Zaya ran out of the room 

Fatima: Sorry I could not wake up I was tired 

Zac: That's cause I put that ass to sleep 

Fatima: You did I needed it 

Zac: Me too that daughter of ours is amazing 

Fatima: What did she do

Zac: Nothing bad she was telling me about her best friend in class and she wants to get her some things for Christmas so that she can be happy 

Fatima: Awe so sweet of her to think about others 

Zac: And get this she said and quote Pastor Darius said it's not about the gifts it's about Jesus 

Fatima: WHAT, that just let's me know we are doing the right thing

Zac: Yeah made me proud to be her daddy

Fatima: Hey before you head to the gym with your boys can you please pull out all the Christmas decorations 

Zac: Yeah that's about to take an hour with as much decorations you have 

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