The end?

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Cole's p.o.v

We began running to where Nya's voice was calling. After a minute we found her, eyes red but a determined look on her face "Nya!" Jay said walking over "I'm ok" she said rubbing her eyes. He smiled and walked her over to where I was standing "have you seen Kai?" I asked "not since...." He voice dropped and she looked away "the fog" Jay finished also looking away. After standing in awkward silence for a minute we decided to look for the others

"Kai!" Nya yelled to the darkness "where is he?" She asked looking around. We kept walking looking for anything to point us in the right direction when we heard footsteps. "Guys do you hear that?" I whispered "yeah" Nya replied, slowly the figure came into view. "Lloyd!" Nya yelled,  "Nya! Jay! Cole!" He cried running to us, he was shaking slightly as he hugged us "what happened? Are you ok?" I asked "I was trapped in this room and I -" his voice got cut off, he took a deep breath and continued "and the voice began" he said looking at us. Jay smiled at him with sympathy "I know they happened to me too" he winced at the memory "at least it can't get worse right?" He chuckled"dude! Why the hell did you say that now it's definitely going to get worse!" I groaned

(Correct Cole 😏)

"Hehe sorry" he said, "we need to find the others" Nya chimed in "good i idea" I responded, we walked in silence when the water began climbing back up. "Shoot" Jay sighed "come on you Lazy bones" Nya said rolling her eyes "your literally the master of water!" Jay shot back "so? Is a little water going to kill you?" Nya said as she shoved Jay in "HOLY SHI-" Jay screamed as he fell head first into the murky depth. "Got to make sure he doesn't drown" I said jumping in after him, soon enough Lloyd and Nya came after us. It took us a while but eventually we made it to someplace with no water "laaaaaaaand!!" Jay said flopping onto the floor yet again "come on bud let's go" I said picking him up "nooooo" he groaned "yes now come on" i grunted

After a few minutes of walking and hearing Jay whining we found someone else. "KAI" Nya screamed running to her brother "NYA" Kai said embracing her "where the hell where you?!" Nya scolded him angrily "more like where did you go? I was standing right next to you! Then you disappeared!" Kai said "what?! I didn't even move your the one who disappeared!" Nya told him. Let's just say that the next couple of minutes where just sibling bickering and I don't feel like explaining, eventually they shut up and we went to find Zane. "Zane???" Jay called out to the darkness "super effective man" I said sarcastically "at least I'm actually trying" Jay said in response "sure you are" I said smirking "oh shut up will you" Jay said "nah" "oh that's it"

Before I could react Jay pushed me head first into the water. "JAY! What the hell?" I yelled he stuck out his tongue at me and grinned "come here you little-!" I ran after him as the others just sighed and tried to stop us

"Jay... apologize" Nya said "he started it!" Jay said "He has a point" Kai said "Kai! Not helping!" Nya scolded "can we just focus on finding Zane?" Lloyd suggested. Everyone nodded, as we walked Jay kept talking about the stupidest things

"Why are apartments called APARTments is their built together?"

"Does a a straw a have one hole or two?"

"How does our brain remember we forget something but we can't remember what we forgot?"

"Can you daydream at night?"

"Only one sock goes missing because if both of them went missing we wouldn't notice"

"Which orange came first? The color or the fruit?"

"Did you know that clapping is just high-fiving yourself?

"Are those who sneeze the most blessed?"

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