November 8 2023

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This might be my most detailed dream yet, at least for this year.


We were still living at our old house. I went downstairs to prepare for my classes.

It was 5:30.

I saw that Jisung was there so early, he was preparing breakfast with my Mom.

"Where are the others?" I don't know what I meant when I asked that.

"Oh, the Hyungs are still sleeping at the parsonage."

Oh, they were sleeping at the Church's parsonage. We were staying at our old house since it was just 20 steps away from the church.

I settled at the dining table and chatted with him about NCT's schedule.

My parents sat there, being very nosy, so we spoke in Korean.

"부모님이 한국어 이해될지 못해, 우린 한국 말을쓰자(They can't understand Korean, let's speak Korean)." I said.

They finally left us alone and continued eating.

I spaced out during our conversation, just staring at my long time crush and idol, the entire time.

I was extremely elated for being able to talk with him this early in the morning.

During the conversation, I remembered that my birthday party was coming up.

"오빠, 11월26일 스케줄 있어요?(Oppa, are you free on November 26?)"

"응 없어, 왜?(Yeah, why)?"

"내 생일파티인데, 오빠가 나의 18th rose되었으면 좋겠어. 해줄수있을까요?(I'm gonna have a birthday party, and I was wondering if you coild be my 18th rose. Would that be okay?)"

He wasn't able to reply since our neighbor suddenly barged in with a bottle of 5% alcohol champagne. I'm not even sure if that exists since our family doesn't drink stuff like wine and any alcohol.

Our family couldn't drink that so the neighbor offered it to Jisung.

"Oh, I can't. I'm not allowed yet."

"에? 오빠 넌 17살아니라, 20살인데(Huh? But you're not 17 years old, you're 20 years old)."

"어? 맞네. 내가 17살인줄 알았어– 뭐야?(Huh? Oh right. I thought I was still 17– what?)."

"오빠 벌써 어르신 되였구나? 아이구 불쌍해 우리 오빠~(Oppa, you're that old already? Aw, my poor oppa~)"

"아니거든!(No I'm not!)."

We both broke into a fit of laughter.

My dream suddenly got cut off, I woke up in our car. I was actually "dreaming" about something that happened months prior to today.

We were heading to SM seaside. We were was going to dine with 127 and Dream at the food court.

After our meal, I asked them if they were free on November 26.

"Hey guys, are you all free on November 26?"

"왜?(Why?)" Yuta asked.

"뭔가 있어?(What's up?)" Taeyong added.

"아 맞다!(Oh right!)" Mark suddenly exclaimed.

We all turned to him.

"It's your birthday!"

"어, 맞아! 역시 우리 Mark, you're my real friend bro! (Yes, right! As expected Mark, you're my real friend bro!)"

We did this gangster handshake thing.

"Yeah, we're free. We'll go. Jising's going to be your 18th rose, right?" Jaehyun asked.

"Yeah, he is."

Jisung blushed.

After our meal, we left the food court.

There was actually a kpop convention going on in the mall. The boys left first, I followed right after.

I saw one of my closest friends, Film, at the mall. He was working at a bookstore.

"Hey! NCT is here!"

"I don't know them." He really doesn't.

"You know, the guys that I like and are also my friends. Wanna meet them?"

"Oh yeah. I would, but I'm still on the clock, so–"

"Okay, see you around."

I walked away and was about to catch up with NCT when I saw one one of the rookie groups, walking towards the food court.

"안녕하세요! (Hello!)"

It seemed like they were still nervous about interactions and if there are people who know them here, since they're just a new group, but I heard about them so I greeted them.

"네 안녕해세요!(Oh, hello!)"

I'm assuming that was the leader.

"데뷔곡은 나중에 하는거 맞죠?(You're going to perform your debut song later, right?)"


They were very excited about being recognized.

"데뷔 축하해요~(Congrats on your debut~)"

"네 고마워요~(Thank you so much~)"

"화이팅하세요!(Keep up the good work!)"

We bid our goodbyes.

I remembered the name of the one of the members!

"나중에 보고있을게요, 슬해씨!(I'm watching your performance later, Seulhae!)"

They were surprised and thanked me.

I heard them talk as they left.

"헐! 우리를 정말로 진짜 알고 있나봐(Omg! She must've really known us!)" one of them exclaimed.

I continued on walking towards the event hall when I saw another Kpop group enter the mall, introducing themselves to the pres.

"-둘, -셋, 올라가! 안녕하세요! Sky9입니다!(-2, -3, Fly Up! Hello, we're Sky9!)"

It was another rookie group.

They seemed busy so I didn't bother them and just continued on walking.

I was surprised when I saw my friends waiting for me by the elevator.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"You said there was a Kpop event. We wanted to support you."

Aw~ That was so nice of them.

We went down the elevator together. When we reached the event hall doors

I woke up.


It felt so real, especially when I found out that I'm friend with NCT there. Because when I found out, all memories of us hanging out rushed in.

I wanna go back.


P.S. I'm not sure if that Seulhae guy in a kpop group, and if Sky9 exists, but they felt real in my dreams...

Are dreams really a lense to a parallel universe? Cause it really felt real... And I had actual real memories.

The only things that makes me sure it's a a dream is that I have no control over that universe's me's actions.

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