Chapter 7

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Dustin's pov

Lucas: Binoculars... from 'Nam. Army knife... also from 'Nam. Hammer, camouflage bandana... and the wrist rocket. Y/n: You're gonna take out the Demogorgon Me: with a slingshot? Lucas: First of all, it's a wrist rocket. And second of all,the Demogorgon's not real. It's made up. Y/n: the only thing that is made up is my not fucking your mum. Lucas: Rent is due on the 1st But anyways if there is something out there,I'm gonna shoot it in the eye... and blind it. Mike: Dustin, what did you get? The mother load is what we got we've got... Nutty Bars, Bazooka, Pez, Smarties, Pringles, Nilla Wafers, apple, banana, and trail mix. Mike: Seriously? me: We need energy for our travels.For stamina. I see y/n grab a green apple And besides, why do we even need weapons anyway? We have her. Lucas: She shut one door! Me: With her mind! Are you kidding me?That's insane! Imagine all the other cool stuff she could do. Like...I bet... that she could make this fly! Hey. Hey. Okay, concentrate.Okay? Okay, one more time. Okay. Use your powers, okay? Mike: Idiot. Y/n: She's not a dog! Sarah: Boys! Time for school! Mike: just stay down here. 

Mike pov

Don't make any noise, and don't leave. If you get hungry,eat Dustin's snacks, okay? Karen: Michael! me: Coming! You know those power lines? El: Power lines? Me: Yeah. The ones behind my house? El: Yes. Me: Meet us there, after school. El: After school? me: Yeah, When the numbers read three-one-five,meet us there. El: "Three-one-five." me: Three-one-five.

Your pov and speed till 4th period 

I was art class drawing the redhead I saw earlier. (THIS DRAWING IS NOT MINE)

But I guess I fell asleep a some point

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But I guess I fell asleep a some point. I hear the lunch bell go off. I heard with Mike to look for rocks. Mike: How about this one? Lucas: Too big for the sling. Dustin: So, do you think Eleven was born with her powers, like the X-Men, or do you think she acquired them, Green Lantern? Lucas: She's not a superhero.She's a weirdo. me: Why does that matter?The X-Men are weirdos. Lucas: If you love her so much,why don't you marry her? Me: What are you talking about? Lucas: Y/n, seriously? Me: What? Lucas: You look at her all, like..."Hi, El! El! El! El! I love you so much! Would you marry me?"  Me: ew Shut up, Lucas. Troy: Yeah, shut up, Lucas What are you losers doing back here? Probably looking for their missing friend. Mike: That's not funny. Dustin: It's serious. He's in danger. Troy:I hate to break it to you, Toothless,but he's not in danger. He's dead. That's what my dad says. He said he was probably killed by some other queer. Come on y/n darling. Me: what did you just call me? Dustin: Just ignore them. Troy: Watch where you're going, Frogface. me: dick. You all right mike? Mike: Yeah. I look down Hey. How about this one?  Mike: Yeah. me: Yeah? Mike: Yeah, this is it. me: Oh, yeah. Lucas: Yeah, this is the monster killer!

Time skip to after school

I'm riding my bike to mike's house when i hear "Three-one-five." "Three-one-five." "Three-one-five." "cat meows" Then I get a flash back I was in my room when I heard [cat growling] [hisses] [cat growls] [beeping] [hisses] [cat snarling] [cat growling] [whimpers] [crying] what is happening? I go outside my room to see men holding El. She was saying No! No!  Papa! Papa! I run after her but Brenner holds me back El: Papa! Papa!  [screaming] Papa! [shrieking] No!  [shrieking] then I hear a neck snapping and El sobbing  Brenner: Incredible. Finley we get to mikes house and I say El! You okay? Hop on.We only have a few hours. El gets on my bike.

Your pov

El: Why did they hurt you? Mike: What? Oh, that.Uh... Me: He just fell at recess. El: Mike... mike: Yeah?Friends tell the truth. Mike: I was tripped by this mouth breather,Troy, okay? El: Mouth breather? Mike: Yeah, you know... Me: a dick. el: dick? Mike: I don't know why I just didn't tell you. Everyone at school knows. I just didn't want you to think I was such a freak, you know?el: Mike... Mike:Yeah? El: understand. Mike: Oh. Okay, cool. El: Cool. Here. Mike: Yeah, this is where Will lives. El: Hiding. maybe she taking about the upsidedown? mike: No, no, this is where he lives.He's missing from here.Understand?Lucas: What are we doing here? Mike: She said he's hiding here. Dustin: Um... no! Lucas: I swear, if we walked all the way out here for nothing. That's exactly what we did. I told you she didn't know! what the hell she was talking about! Mike: Why did you bring us here? Lucas: Mike, don't waste your time with her. Dustin: What do you want to do then? Lucas: Call the cops,like we should have done yesterday. Mike: We are not calling the cops! Dustin: Hey, guys? me: what wrong Dustin? lucas: What other choice do we have?Dustin: Guys! [sirens approaching] Mike: Will... 

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