Chapter 3

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(Time skip to after school)

Mr. Clarke: remember: Finish Chapter Twelve,and answer twelve-point-three on the difference between an experiment and other forms of science investigation- Mr. Clarke silences as he realizes he's talking to no one everybody is gone. Well, that is, almost everybody.Mike: Did it come? Lucas, Mike, and Dustin gather excitedly by his desk. While Y/n just stood there confused. Mr. Clarke hesitates. Gives the boys a sad look.MR. Clarke: Sorry, boys, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but . . . It came. The door to the A.V. Club bursts open. Lucas, Mike, and Dustin race inside. Mr. Clarke follows close behind with Y/n. Mr. Clarke: The Heath kit ham shack. Ain't she a beaut? It sits on a desk amidst a pile of older equipment. The boys examine it with wide, expectant eyes. Dustin: I bet you can talk to New York on this thing- Mr. Clarke: Think bigger! Lucas: California? Mr. Clarke: Bigger. Mike: Australia?Another nod. Holy shit.  Lucas: Oh man. When Will sees this he's going to totally lose his shit!! MR. Clarke: Lucas! Lucas: Sorry.The boys sits down by the radio. As Lucas starts to work the dials, Mike grabs up the transceiver, practices: Mike (bad Australian accent) "ELLO" this is Mike Wheeler,President of Hawkins Middle A.V.Club. Dustin takes the receiver. His turn.Dustin: (worse Australian accent) "Ello" this is Dustin Henderson,Secretary and Treasurer of Hawkins Middle A.V. Club! Do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?A knocking interrupts the fun. Mr. Clarke turns.The principal is in the doorway. Principal: Sorry to interrupt... but may I borrow Michael, Lucas, and Dustin? Oh and Y/n?

 Chief Hopper and Officer Callahan now step into view. Mike, Lucas, and Dustin expressions darkening. Y/n being confused. Hop: So you were... racing? MIke, Lucas, Dustin, and Y/n are now scrunched together on a couch.Hopper and Callahan sit opposite. Dustin: It was me and him! Hop: Was Y/n there? Y/n: No I just got here this morning. Lucas: My house is the first up! Mike: He takes Mirkwood home. Dustin: We were racing on a bet and- Hop: Whoa, whoa, whoa. One at a time.(points at Mike)You. He takes . . . what? Mike: Mirkwood! Hop: "Mirkwood?"(to Callahan) You ever hear of a "Mirkwood?" OFFICER Callahan: Sounds made-up.Lucas: It's from "Lord of the Rings" Dustin/Y/n: "The Hobbit"Lucas: It doesn't matter! Dustin: He asked! Hop: Hey! What'd I just say? One at a damn time.He points at Mike. Hop: You.Mike: Mirkwood. It's a real road. It's just the name that's made-up! Hop: What's its real name?Mike: I don't know. It's where Cornwallis and Kerley meet.Hop: Ya I know it. Mike: We can show you- Y/n: Mike, Hopper said he knows it! Mike: We could help you look! Hop: NO! After school you are to go straight home!ALL OF YOU! So that means no biking around looking you Will. No investigating! No nonsense! This is not some lord of the rings book! Dustin: The hobbit! Y/n: Dustin! Hop: DID I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR? Y/n: Crystal.

(Time skip and your pov)

I was laying in my bed when I heard Mike on the radio. Mike: Lucas? It's Mike. You copy?Lucas? Lucas: Hey, it's Lucas. Mike: I know it's you. And say "over"when you're done talking or I don't know you're done. Over. Lucas: I'm done. Over. Mike: I'm worried about Will. Over. Lucas: Yeah. This is crazy. Over. Mike: I was thinking... Will could've cast Protection last night. But he didn't. He cast Fireball. Over. Lucas: What's your point? Over. Mike: My point is... he could've played it safe. But he didn't. He put himself in danger to help the party. Over. Lucas: Meet me in ten. Over and out. I quickly get out of bed and tell my dad's I'm living then rush outside to my bike.

It's silent as we bike down Mirkwood road. Mike leads the way. He slows to stop. Lucas, Dustin, and i pull up beside him. Lucas: Why are we stopping? Me: Maybe cus your legs stop moving! Lucas sighs, Mike looks off into the woods. Dustin, Lucas, and I follow his gaze to a find a line of policetape, wrapped around a row of trees along the side of the road. The reality of what happened hits us right here. This isn't some make-believe D&D campaign. This is... real. Sheet lightning flashes the sky,illuminating dark storm clouds.a plop of water hits Dustin in the face. Dustin: Oh man. You guys feel that?Dustin holds out a hand. Watches water strike his palm.It's raining. I: NoooOOOo not at all. Dustin: Maybe we should go back. Mike isn't listening. Or if he is, he doesn't care. He moves two walkies from his backpack, hands them to me and Dustin. Mike: No splitting up or anything stupid like that, but stay on channel six.Just in case. I: So don't do anything stupid like this?! this is where those dumbass blonde bitches die in movies! With that, Mike heads into the woods, ducking under the caution tape. Lucas follows.Dustin is now all alone with me. BOOM! Another thunder crash! It scares the shit out of Dustin. I saw this and laugh. Dustin: Hey, guys, wait up! WAIT UP!He races after his friends as another boom rattles us and i follow.

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