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TW: possibly a bit of dysmorphia, mention of self-harm, depression in general, swearing (apologies if I spelled anything wrong)
Quackity pov:

I woke up late today, as per usual. I wondered if one day, I won't wake up at all. I sat up and reluctantly crawled out of bed. And just like every other morning, a rush of emotions that I've been trying to avoid fly through my head. Yeah. I don't like it. So I block out the feelings the best I can. Again.

I pull on what I think is a clean shirt, pants, and the rest of my clothes groggily. Afterward, I walk into the bathroom and follow my boring morning routine. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and fix my hair, which is messier than usual from a poor night of sleep.

The first thing I thought when I stared back at a frowning face in the mirror was: God damnit... why do I look like this? like a fucked up disgrace. My second thought was: I hate life. Neither of these thoughts were new nor surprising to me. At this point, it was a part of my routine.

I left the bathroom, not wanting to look at the piece of shit that I was in the mirror any longer. When I stood at the top of the stairs, I wondered how bad it would be if I fell. I shook my head and started towards the downstairs. When I made it to the bottom, I noticed that my mother wasn't there. She must be at work already.

I glanced over at the clock. Shit! I'm gonna miss the goddamn bus again! I quickly grabbed my crap and ran out the door, nearly running into a tree.. don't ask how.

I continued running to the bus stop, making several strangers shake their heads as I rushed by. I kept going until I collided into something solid.. and warm. I fell back, and when I looked up from the ground, I realized that I had ran into a person.
I immediately started to panic, "Oh my God, I'm sorry, I should've-" He cut me off with a slight look of concern and asked, "Are you alright? That looked pretty painful," His soft British voice spoke from above me. I like his voice. The thought was ridiculous. 'I like his voice'? What's that supposed to mean?

The tall handsome boy who stood above me seemed like a genuinely kind person. And his voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't place where I'd heard it before. When he spoke again, I realized that I had been staring and he was awkwardly standing there, offering his hand. "Uh, hello? Are you okay?"

I reached for his hand and he pulled me up, with arms. Arms that I really liked..

I stopped that odd train of thought quickly and tried my best to reply like a normal functioning human being, "Oh.. yeah, I'm okay... sorry."

"It's okay really. Name's Wilbur, what's yours?" The boy, who I now knew was Wilbur, asked.

"Mine's Quackity. Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before." I said.

"Yeah, I just transferred here!" He answered cheerfully. How a person is cheerful about anything in life right now is beyond me.

"Oh, okay cool..." I trailed off because he was clearly lost in a trance. But I didn't want to stand here and wait awkwardly for him to snap out of it, so I tried out small talk, "Hey, Wilbur, What's your first period?"

He seemed mentally here again when he answered, "Oh, I have math."

"Me too! no way!" I actually spoke with real emotion. I felt as if, I don't have to pretend around him. I felt comfortable in a way I hadn't been with anyone in a long time. The conversation went on for a while until the bus arrived.

When we got on the bus, I sat down in my usual seat, put in my air pods, and started listening to one of my playlists. Your New Boyfriend by Lovejoy started playing, so I hummed along until I heard a certain brunette ask me something.

"Hey is it okay if I sit here?" My heart started getting really annoying with it beating fast and all, but I ignored it.

"Oh, yeah sure." I finally spoke, my voice giving away a little more emotion than I'd like. Wilbur sat down next to me as I rested my head on the window, still humming the lyrics. After a moment, I turned my head to him. "Wilbur..wake me up when we get there?" I asked.

"Okay Quackity, I will."

Good job! You got through a chapter! Sorry if it's crap so far... 😅
- author

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