about the situation with Wilbur

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Hey lovelies,I assume you have heard about Wilburs situation with Shelby.

If not,do that on your own time bc I can't explain it well enough.

I do think that Wilbur can change and I will continue to support him, just not as much. I don't think the apology was very sincere due to the fact it was directed twords the audience and not Shelby.

I won't be writing anymore stories about him until this all dies down,or until a sincere, directly to Shelby, apology is made.

I won't be deleting this story,nor any others containing him. You all are allowed to have your own opinions,but this is mine so please don't hate.

I do think the apology was half assed, and it should be redone to direct twords Shelby. I will continue to support him,not as much though. And  I do think he has changed,but it's still extremely fucked up what happened.

Until next time, lovelies.

Note: when I say I'll still support him just not as much I mean that I will be just barely supporting him since I've been in an abusive relationship before and a half assed apology doesn't fix it at all.

Yooooo it's another note lovelies,I don't support him at all now. Just an fyi

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