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TW: PTSD, anxiety, yelling, nightmares, abuse, alcohol abuse, flashbacks, swearing, and anxiety.

"C'mon pumpkin. Open the damn door." Schlatt called through the locked door that I was hiding behind. The sound of his voice echoed in my head, tears slid down my cheeks. Why me?

"No..no no no no NO!" I yelled, sobbing. I felt a strong pain in my back as
Schlatt kicked through the door. I panicked and hid in the closet. My breathing wouldn't calm, and neither would my heart. It thumped against my chest so fast.

"Oh Quackity ~ baby, where are you ~? I promise if you just come out here everything will be okay~!" He yelled, a bit of rage tearing through his voice. The use of my name filled me with so many emotions. I hated it, it made me hate my name. I brought my hands up to hide my face. They shook.

I continued to silently sob my eyes out, not noticing him walking toward the closest... or maybe I pretended not to notice. Maybe a little make-believe would make it end. Maybe it wouldn't be real anymore.

"Oh pumpkin.. you are so fucking screwed. When I find you, you'll fucking pay." He sneered as he felt the large slash that I made with the beer bottle he had broken over my head.

He grabbed onto the handle of the closet and I decided in that moment to make one of the biggest mistakes of my life...

He opened the door and I lunged at him, knocking his drunken ass to the ground as fury engulfed his soul.

"YOU BITCH! YOU'LL PAY WHORE!" he screamed as he got to his feet. By the time I had gotten to the door, he had reached the bottom of the stairs and was running at me, still holding his bleeding arm.

I sprinted out the door the best I could, limping severely since my ankle was really fucked up. Likely broken. He ran out the door after me, catching up easily.

He grabbed the back of my torn-up, blood-soaked shirt and slammed me down onto the cold concrete of the sidewalk.

I screamed in pain, praying and hoping that someone would care, that someone would help the abused boy bleeding in front of their houses.

The streetlight flickered above me- or maybe it was my vision that flickered -as Schlatt spit on the ground beside me and stomped on my beaten and bloodied face.

I tried to sit up, to make an attempt at fighting back but he had other plans. He kicked me in the stomach repeatedly, breaking at least one of the few ribs left undamaged.

Then, with one last kick, I was out...


I woke up, screaming and crying profusely. Wilbur woke up with a start next to me.

"QUACKITY?! WHAT HAPPENED!?" He panicked. I just buried my face into his neck, still sobbing hard, holding him as tight as I could.

He rubbed calming circles into my back and grabbed a glass of water for when I was ready. I continued to sob loudly, starting to calm down ever so slightly.

"He can't hurt you Quackity... it was just a nightmare.. I'm here, I've got you... It's all going to be alright my love.." he said, trying to calm me down.

It worked but only enough for me to stop crying, very slowly. I took in a shaky deep breath of the cool air.

I sat up slowly and Wilbur helped me drink the water, as I was still shaking badly.

A bit spilled down my chin as I drank, and Wilbur wiped it off, his touch warm and gentle. He still held onto me tight, never letting go. I felt safe in his arms, something that I rarely had with anyone else.

He set the glass down on the side table and laid me back down. "Hey, baby.. if I put on a movie or something would that make you feel better? Do you need anything?" I nodded slightly and he grabbed our laptop and turned on the movie Inside Out.

I climbed on top of him, curling up into a ball. I took shaky breaths as he held me close. It took a while but I fell asleep once again.

Nothing lasts forever. Sometimes you get angst, sometimes you get smut, and sometimes you get fluff. Hope you liked this chapter lovelies ❤️ please read the new book, I'm working very hard on it and the second chapter is out now. If you read it then I hope you like it, feel free to give feedback❤️

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