Why can't this be a nightmare..

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It was already dusk, Squirrelstar padded to her den for a good nights sleep. Hopefully I can sleep uninterrupted. She curled up in her nest, closing her eyes. Lush grass and starry cats filled her sight. "Wait- is this starclan. Am I dead!?" she panicked without realising the cats were staring at her in confusion. Oh, why would I be dead you furball! One of the cats padded up to her, she couldn't recognise their pelt yet. No, it can't be him.. "I'm sorry, I let you down, this is all my fault" he mewed. To her utter horror, it was Lionblaze.

"Lionblaze!" Squirrelstar shrieked, "you can't be dead?!" Lionblaze padded up to her, receiving a nod of approval from the other spiritual cats. Sighing he opened his mouth to speak, but another cat spoke instead. The cat's sleek, brown pelt glimmered in the starlight, it was Bramblestar. "He died to a tragic accident, one which still remains in the forest" he told her. What tragic incident though? Lionblaze stared at his paws in embarrassment, "I was just-" Bramblestar raised his paw in annoyance, "Silence!" he rose his tail, "I will tell her.."

"It was a cat, one with strange ferocity" Bramblestar continued, "There will be one, one who defeats the cat or the rivers rapids will destroy the clans" Squirrelstar gasped, "Who!? Who is the cat?!" Lionblaze sighed, "Im sorry" The starry cats disappeared and she found herself back in her den. "Oh Lionblaze, why did this have to happen" she whispered to herself.

It was already dawn, as she walked outside her den, she could hear gasps from in the clearing. "Lionblaze! H-he's dead!" Cinderheart shrieked, carrying his body through camp. Jayfeather glanced his blind eyes at Lionblaze's body in sorrow, "No! Please starclan, don't this be true" Squirrelstar leaped onto the high rock trying to hold back tears, "I know this comes as a shock, but we must remain calm, the elders will bury him tonight" she continued, "I'll- i'll have to choose a new deputy.. later" Who do I choose, Lionblaze was just perfect.

Squirrelstar clenched her teeth anxiously. I don't understand, why Starclan? Why must you take him away? If every cat dies whats the point of life? She scraped the high rock with her claws furiously, "I don't understand!" she yelled aloud, "I can't do this anymore!" Jayfeather leaped onto the high rock, curling his tail around Squirrelstar, "It's okay, go get some rest, you seem very irritated." Squirrelstar padded to her den, head drooping. Lionblaze, I miss you.

She lay in her den unable to get to sleep. I can't do this anymore, Squirrelstar flexed her claws nervously. How will I lead Thunderclan, if I can't even keep a warrior alive? A voice sounded from outside her den, Jayfeather. "Squirrelstar" he meowed, "I know its tough, i'm sad too but we need to focus on the future." Oh shut up, like you can say anything. She sighed and curled up closer to the edge of her den, frowning. Jayfeather gave her a disappointed glance and padded away to his den.

Squirrelstar bared her teeth, walking outside her den for the the deputy ceremony. I've lost my sister, mate and now foster son. Why Starclan, why must you do this to me. She leaped up to high rock. I'll just choose Ivypool, not like she'll help anyway. "All cats old enough to gather their own prey gather around high rock for a clan meeting" Squirrelstar yowled. Every cat gathered, even the elders.

"Today I must perform a special ceremony" she tried to sound calm, "Lionblaze has passed into the ranks of Starclan, I must choose a new deputy." Bumblestripe puffed out his chest, grinning. Ah, he must think i'm gonna choose him. Squirrelstar eyed Ivypool, attempting to catch her attention. She took a breath in, "Ivypool, do you promise to protect your clan at all costs even with your life?" Ivypool pricked her ears excitingly, "I do." Memories flooded back to Squirrelstar from when she was chosen to be deputy, right after the Great Battle. I wish Bramblestar were still here. Squirrelstar rose to her paws, "then take your place on high rock, clan dismissed." Ivypool bounded up to her, "Why me? What if I stuff up?" Why are you questioning me? Squirrelstar laughed, "Then you'll die" Stunned, Ivypool shrieked, "What?!" She actually believes me, I was just kidding but what if I did... "Ivypool, I was just.. kidding"

Maybe I was.. maybe I wasn't. All these dark thoughts, its overwhelming.. I need to lash it out on some cat... Squirrelstar unsheathed her claws, glaring at Ivypool, "I'm gonna need you to cooperate.. or else." Ivypool shrieked, scrambling away, "I- I won't let you down!" You better not. She held her head down, "I hate those Starclan fox-hearted cowards" Squirrelstar muttered as she leapt off high rock, "I wish I never became leader"

Bumblestripe pricked his ear in confusion across the clearing. He must've heard me. He glanced wearily at Squirrelstar, coming closer "Are you feeling okay..?" She gritted her teeth forcing out a snarl, "Do I look okay to you?!" I'll show him alright, he'll never forget how he insulted me... The white tabby stepped back in dismay, "Why are you so angry all the sudden?" Why is he questioning me, i'm his leader. She unsheathed her claws, leaping onto the frightened cat. He yelped in confusion, "Squirrelstar!?" Cats gathered on the clearing watching the strange fight. Bumblestripe slashed her nose making her jump back. How dare he..!

Blood welled from her nose. What a disgrace of a cat, hurting his own leader? Angry, she brutally chomped his neck, making Bumblestripe collapse. "Squirrelstar?" He croaked lifting his head. Squirrelstar stood on top of him smiling, "What? Do you want to die?" The tabby gasped in pain, "I thought you were going to be a great leader.. you failed Squirrelflight."

How dare Bumblestripe call me by my warrior name! Bumblestripe continued, "You have killed me, your own warrior, I hope you-" Before he could continue Squirrelstar lashed out her claws slicing them across his stomach. Bumblestripe lay in a river of blood, now dead. Jayfeather bounded from his den clamping a mouth full of herbs. "It's too late" he sighed giving a somber glance to Alderheart. Squirrelstar chuckled, unsheathing her claws, "This is fun, who's next..?"

All the cats trembled nervously in absolute silence. "I know exactly who I should kill next, that traitor, Dovewing" she meowed flexing her claws. Ivypool gasped, "No you can't, shes my sister!" I honestly don't care, Ivypool left us for Shadowclan so it makes sense. Squirrelstar grinned, "Well I kinda can.. Mousewhisker, Sparkpelt, Sorrelstripe and Lilyheart, go fetch her..!" The cats quickly ran toward the woods on their way to find Dovewing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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