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Chapter 50

One side was a coalition of the Dian and the Yue Kingdoms.

On the other side, although it was the Flying Dragon flag that represented Tianmen, there were a series of military flags in the color yellow and embroidered with a large “文” character. 

Yan Feili was surprised! This was the Wen Kingdom’s light cavalry army!

“Ah, someone is late!” The voice had a long and lost frivolous tone with a nonchalant attitude. Yan Feili knew who it was without looking back. A small team came out and took them into the Wen Kingdom’s army. The two heard this voice just after they dismounted.

“What’s the matter? You guys are two full days late than expected!” Ximen Yue stepped forward, unhappy.

“Oh, it’s still better than waiting any longer!” 

“Something delayed,” Beitang Ao replied to Ximen Yue lightly and turned to Dongfang Xi, “This time you are very punctual.”

“It is rare for you to beg me. I have to give you some face as a brother, ” Dongfang Xi smiled.

Beitang Ao smiled and looked back at the Yue Kingdom’s army in the distance, “The good fat is brought to your lips, can you not eat it.”

Dongfang Xi shrugged, “I just didn’t think of you. It will be so generous if I did not, but I’m not polite. But you, don’t regret it when the time comes!”

“Of course I won’t regret it! When have you been polite?”

Ximon Yue stepped forward and interrupted them, “It’s fine. Now, business matters. Are you going to rest or discuss the offensive countermeasures with us?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dflajcu Cb uijcmfv ja Gbcuojcu Wl jcv rjlv lcvloofgfcais, “P’w j ilaaif algfv jcv kjca ab ajxf j gfra.”

Gbcuojcu Wl kjnfv obg j rfgufjca ab ajxf tlw jcv Tjc Mflil ab gfra. 

“Vfma Zjrafg, vlv sbe gfjmt jc jugffwfca klat atf Sjrafgc Vfma Zjrafg?” Tjc Mflil jrxfv ktfc la kjr bcis atfw lc atf ylu afca.

“Yes.” Seeing Yan Feili’s dignified expression, Beitang Ao said, “If you are interested, you can guess.”

Yan Feili had been with Beitang Ao for many years with a steady temperament and a caring heart. He was quite familiar with several Gate Masters to understand what Beitang Ao didn’t say.

Although Nangong Yan seemed to have more power in Tianmen, he was also the most ambitious person in Tianmen. He was in charge of the Heavenly Gate only because of his seriousness and responsibility. 

Next was Ximen Yue. He was mad and unruly. Although he appeared arrogant, he was not obsessed with government affairs and rights. Speaking of it, he was the most quack person in the entire Tianmen.

And the remaining two, Dongfang Xi and Beitang Ao… Of course, Yan Feili knew best about his Sect Master.

Beitang Ao was arrogant and indifferent by nature as if he was not interested in anything. There were not many things in this world that can arouse his interest. Over the years, the Sect Master’s ambition toward the arrangement in the Ming Kingdom and the arrangement in Tianmen… Although Yan Feili did not ask about them, he can guess one or two things regarding Beitang Ao’s interests in those affairs.

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