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Chapter 49

Back to the first cave, Yan Feili saw two horses eating grass and Beitang Ao stood in a daze by the campfire last night.

“Sect Master, what are you doing?” 

Beitang Ao looked a little embarrassed when he saw Yan Feili. He waved his hand, pointed at something on the ground, and said, “I planned to learn from you and make a delicious game, but it looks disappointing.”

Yan Feili looked at the game on the ground and felt a little funny.

Beitang Ao, a Sect Master of Tienmen and a prince of the Ming Kingdom, although he often went out to eat and sleep, he never did these things himself.

The antelope’s skin was peeled off and it was put on the branch over on the campfire, but it was a pity that it was scorched. Yan Feili walked over, took off the venison, and looked over, “Or… I can give it another shot. ” 

Beitang Ao felt embarrassed when Yan Feili saw his masterpiece.

“No, this one can’t be eaten anymore!”

Yan Feili smiled, cut off the scorched part to reveal the meat inside, turned it over, put it back on the fire, and roast it. Beitang Ao sat down beside him and watched him work from the side.

It was the same before. When Yan Feili came out to act, Beitang Ao never had to worry about these things.

“Feili, are you okay?”


The North Gate knew last night he gave excessive demands but did not feel sorry for them. He always wanted Yan Feili. He wanted to hold Yan Feili’s thin and weak body since they were in the big tents in the camp. Later when they were in Huacheng, Beitang Ao admitted that he cared about this man beyond imagination.

He was born noble and received the most orthodox and most rigorous education since childhood. He had a clear goal and plan. So far, only the feelings for Yan Feili have exceeded his expectations. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yo mbegrf, Ol’fg kjr jirb.

Dea obg j wjc, cb wjaafg ktb la kjr, lo rbwfbcf ujnf ylgat ab tlr rbc, la kjr jikjsr j tjqqs fnfca obg tlw. Rbaklatrajcvlcu atja atf rbc kjr jirb atf fivfra rbc ktb lctfglafv atf yibbv bo atf Dflajcu ojwlis. Dflajcu Cb tjv jmmfqafv atja mtliv, jcv bcf vjs klii ifa atja mtliv gfaegc ab tlr vef agjmx.

However, Yan Feili was a little different.

Beitang Ao knew that he was moved by Yan Feili. He knew that Yan Feili was a man and his subordinate, but if he was moved, he was moved. It may be unclear before, so one can deceive oneself. But now that it was clear, Beitang Ao cannot convince himself to continue pretending. 

Yet this matter was not easy to solve*.

*Beitang Ao is suggesting that unlike Li’er who he can accept openly and allow to “return to his due track”, he cannot allow the same for Yan Feili. He wants Yan Feili as a lover yet he fears the disapproval of others not for himself but Yan Feili. He loves Yan Feili and doesn’t want Yan Feili to suffer (without consulting with Yan Feili).

“Feili, let’s stay here for a few days and then go back, how about that?” The negotiating tone was never before given by Beitang Ao and received by Yan Feili.

“What? Stay here? How can this be! The situation is so tense, we should rush back to Jianjing as soon as possible. And, don’t you have to meet with the Sect Master of the Western Gate, Ximen Yue, at the border as soon as possible?” 

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