Chapter FIFTY-ONE.

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(Time Skip 3:00 p.m. Randles home still.)

Elena Shaw's (POV)

To say our shopping trip went amazing is an understatement and we didn't plan for it to practically take all day but when your excited and seeing new things time passes. We all just got back with bags upon bags of baby things, lingerie, and other items I may speak of later. Chuckling in my head I sigh as I put most of my and Esmes bags in our car before we go into the Randle's home. Esme has been her tiny self all day and only with a few fussing fits, diaper changes and crying through the day we all had a good time, and my girl has not been hurting as she was this morning. I gave her more medicine at lunch and since than she has been content, right now her and Chloe are in Chloe's nursing having another nap of the day and Lola is with Piper putting away their things. I just sit down when my phone rings and I sigh seeing it's from Mitch, I love him but usually when he calls its work related and I'm not talking my law firm work.

Picking up I take a breath as he starts talking telling me about the two scum we have locked up and I sigh once he finishes I grit my teeth. Want to rip the two pieces. I hate being violent but when it comes to scum like these I would do it over and over. Taking another breath I asking calmly, "This is all verified, what you found out?" I can hear him typing when her reply's letting me know that everything is legit, knowing these scum have been kidnapping children the last few years. Biting my lip I say, "And what else did you find on them?" waiting as he types like a mad man I chuckle at that in my head he is always typing when on the phone in general. Once he finishes he lets me know that the team caught a second group at that same grocery store and turns out it's a bigger crew than expected. I'm surprised they had the balls to hit that same store when two of their own was missing.

Gritting my teeth at the news I groan telling him to keep following the trail and that I will deal with them when I have time. He lets me know he will continue and that my team has the other crew locked up as well, I'm glad they continued their job and was able to keep more children safe. When one group is taken down it's like another pop's up and it is disgusting, those of us fighting these groups have been at it for years and yet seems like the just keep popping up like a dam hydra's head when you chop one of two more grow back. Sighing we finish our call and I rub my face and temples want to scream, this is one of the major stressors I have, and I have know one to fully disclose this side of me with other than Mitch and my crew, but they are not fully family not close enough that I can get comfort and I hate it. when I lost Jenny I broke, and she was the only one that new parts of this side of me but not fully. I know that when Esme finds out it may hurt her, and I don't ever want her to be hurt by me.

I jump slightly when I feal a hand on my shoulder and I look up seeing Lola and Piper standing in front of me and I blush. Smiling slightly, I sigh saying, "Hi." They smile slightly too but I can tell they are worried about me and that makes me relax and my heart flutter. I don't know why they make me feel this way, but I am willing to find out, it is so strange to feel comfort like these even just a small amount. To my surprise Piper sets next to me and Lola pulls one of the straight back chairs closer to me as well making me blush more. wondering what they are up to, today has been an exciting and good day until I just had that phone call. I knew I had to deal with them soon, but I have been ignoring it since the incident at the store. I don't know if I could ever tell someone close to me about that side of myself and that worries me more than I ever thought. Piper has moved her hand but to my knee which makes me nervous and I chuckle lightly asking, "What I-Is up?"

I actually just stuttered again in front of these two women its crazy how they make my guard drop and now that I think of it this is the same thing I do with Esme and Kelly, and I shiver getting goose bumps. At this point I feel like running away and yet I am corned but I don't feel trapped or scared just nervous. I look at Lola and she just looks at me with care and saying, "We didn't ease drop promise dear, but we could tell you were upset when we was coming back into the living room. what is up is that we are concerned dear, you don't have to tell us anything, but we are here if you need to talk yeah." I am shocked but not by much I just know I can't tell them anything until I know them more and that will be awhile and then by then they will probably hate me. nibbling my lip I nod and resist the urge to cry, I haven't cried since my baby was upset the other day. But I haven't cried for myself in a very long time and them just caring makes that dam want to break but I hold it in as if nothing has happened as I usually do. They both smile and Piper pats my thigh saying, "Ok honey we are glad your ok yeah, now I have a question for you. do you want steak or spaghetti for dinner?" blushing I chuckle and so do they and Lola lightly smacks Piper on the shoulder causing another round of laughter to. Thinking I smile saying, "I think spaghetti I love watching Esme get all covered in sauce she blames me every time for to much sauce so I think she will get you tonight instead of me." they laugh again at this, and I blush at my response still feeling goose bumps and that flutter in my heart. From feeling so cared for, at the moment I don't know if we will stay the night again not having the clothes and I don't want us to over stay our welcome.

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