Chapter 17

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["Give it to me I'm worth it, uh-huh I'm worth it.."]
Felyx POV
I was still shocked. this was all happening too fast. My Master, was SilverFlame's FATHER?!? And now they are fighting over me, like a piece of steak, or territory. Black VS White. (A/N I just realized if I'd held my finger on the screen an it would have said copy or paste I could have just hit the little side arrows and I would have been doing the italicised thoughts, an for yelling instead of IN CAPS, could have made them BOLD. (Ammatuer))
Ying VS Yang. Evil VS Good. (A/n have to rewrite 17-18 cause it don't save unless there WIFI) Mentally, I crossed my fingers hoping Silver flame would win. I figured it must be harder fighting your own flesh and blood. The growling and hissing echoed throughout the caverns. Silverflame kept it to a minimum to keep me from the painful memories, looking back now I realize I should have had him complete the process, it might have increased his chances of winning. I already knew where I wanted his Mark, it burned whenever we were in heated make-out moments. If I had his mark maybe they would think twice before trying anything...

I was snapped out of my pleasant thoughts when I noticed Silverflame's scales were rapidly darkening into midnight black... As a last ditch defense, the bitch was taking over him! His scales were now worse then midnight black, they were now black as Hell! His size more then tripled what it originally was, matching his now dying father, who's throat was torn open. The now turned over Silverflame's blackened gaze (damn his father) turned on me. "You are now forever mine !" The dark voice hissed, and before I could do anything he used my mate's tail to knock me over.

Silverflame's POV
I had ripped out his throat, thinking it would finally be over. Just as he lay there dying, I felt something dark and malicious force me to the back of my own mind. 'What?!? No, I didn't do anything evil!' I thought, trying to fight back to the front of my consciousness. Everything went chaotic from there. I could literally feel the changes he was making. My beautiful silver scales changed to a horrid shade of black, and my size more then tripled what it originally was. He turned our gaze on Felyx. "You are now forever mine! " He hissed, taking over my vocal cords. Next thing I knew he used my own tail to knock Felyx off his feet. Damn you. I thought, losing hold...

Tylorenzo's POV
I lay there losing consciousness every second. Silverflame had done it, I was now free. My now golden eyes snapped open abruptly in surprise as a voice totally not Silverflame's hissed, seething thick with venom (figuratively speaking), "You are now forever mine !" Using my right eye, I realized with horror that if Silverflame were to "die", then the evil one would realize what he was. Silverflame's left wing was severely broken, and he was losing blood. Any moment and his regeneration process would begin. "No..." I said, pushing myself up, coughing up blood. I summoned what little strength I had left, having heard me he had turned and opened his blackened jaws the light from his fires within rapidly approaching. I raised my head and shot with deadly accuracy, causing him to choke on his own his own flames as well as the Light of cleansing I could summon. "For my surviving son, Silverflame! Go back to Hell, SCALDUIN!" I roared. I dropped to the ground, completely drained as he began shrieking.

Felyx POV
I screwed my eyes shut, as the blinding white light shot from the now majestic golden dragon to Silverflame. "No!" Scalduin/Silver shrieked. His blackened hide was soon crisscrossed with light streaks, as he turned and charged out of the lair, making the tunnel even larger. He had smashed through the dirt and rock. I dashed out after. He had leaped and the right wing was furled open an flapping insanely, the left just hung limply. In spite of the situation , I began laughing. He was attempting to fly! He fell to the ground, giving one final shriek as the Light burst forth from somewhere inside. Even after he was gone, there was still light around Silverflame's unconscious form. I watched jkn complete amazement as his wing, and all his other wounds and various scratches healed instantly. His jaws cracked open, and tendrils of light dust drifted skyward. I nearly jumped in fright as his father dashed right past me and threw himself down in front of him, clinging to his neck spikes. "I have so much to apologize for, and I know you can hear me even while in this state..." '"Even while in this state?!? What the Frick was he talking about?!?'" He started rattling off this really boring list of things, so I tuned him out. Eventually he got up, which snapped my attention back. He was wiping his face off with his hands... Wait, was he actually crying?!? I didn't think that possible for dragon kind. Before I could say one thing, he shifted to his dragon form and flew off, mumbling something about seeing if his mate was still alive and if she'd forgive him and take him back.

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