Mysterious Saviour - ExtinctAU

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This occurs right after Chromatober prompt 26 - Animal.

Small recap, Orange and Red have gone looking for a strange creature in the woods that the Orange Village believe are terrorising them.


*Orange's POV*

"Come on, Red! It'll be around here somewhere!"

"Orange, we have been walking in circles all day."

I look back at Red who is giving me and exasperated look. 

"Well, you did tell the Leader that you would help. It's not my fault your old."

"I'm not that old Orange, just older than you."

I giggle a little bit while Red just shakes his head. He decides to change the subject.

"Have you had any problems with the darkness recently?"

I give Red a confused look.

"No, why?"

Red sighs and looks towards the trees.

"The darkness has been getting stronger recently. I'm worried that soon it will be able to escape from the temple on it's own."

My eyes widen with shock. Red rarely ever gets worried about something. Whatever's going on with the darkness must be important. It might even have something to do with the drama involving the yellow kingdom.

I'm about to suggest my idea, when a twig snaps behind us. Both me and Red turn to face it. I decide to call out to it.

"Umm, strange creature? Is that you?"

Some pure black steve like beings stumble out of the trees.

"Nope, just darkness, of course."

I stare at the darkness unsure what to do when Red grabs my hand.  

"Don't just stand there, Orange! Run!"

We both start running in a random direction, but somehow the darkness is able to keep up. It's times like these I wish I had a yellow steve's powers, then we could outrun them easily. 

However, as we were running, Red tripped over a tree root. I rushed back to help him but the darkness got there first.


I shook my head, I couldn't just abandon him, but someone else got to him first. A big black four legged creature jumped out of the bushes, standing between the darkness and Red. I rushed over to Red as the creature attacked the darkness. 

"That's the creature that we saw at the village, but it seems to be helping us. Maybe it just doesn't like the darkness."

I lend a hand out for Red to take and pull him to his feet. However, instead of thanking me, he just gives me an unimpressed look. 

"Orange, that's a guy on a horse, that just so happens to be wearing a cloak."

I look back to creature, who has just finished dealing with the darkness. In the daylight, it's actually a bit easier to see where the cloak ends and the horse begins. Red and I exchange looks before Red decides to speak.

"Hello there, thank you for saving us. I'm Red and this is Orange. Who are you?"

The person on the horse flinches as if he had forgotten we where there.

"I-I-uh- um- I'm- yeah- BYE!"

And he runs off. Well the horse runs off with him on it. But he leaves. Red looks back to me confused. I shrug. He takes moment to process what just happened before finally deciding to break the silence.

"We should return to the village, and let the leader know there isn't anything to fear."

I nod in return and Red leads the way back. I keep looking behind me, just to see if our saviour is following us, but if he is, he is very good at hiding.


Sabre saves them and is then like: "Wait, I haven't socialised in years, AAAAAAAA-" and then runs off.

Also, fun fact: The horse is called Ebony. I thought about naming her Lucas but decided against it, for plot reasons.

Lyra, signing out

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